Episode 9: Give her the best life

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"Your having a baby sister!" Both Isidra and Jose are fill in joy. Alex and Irvin are shocked, but fill with joy. Knowing their family is expanding. 

9 months later

"shes beautiful..." Isidra cried.,"What should we call our new child Jose."


"I love it, do you think the they will like it?"she ask.

"Yes we will, we're happy that she is alive." As Alex look at Rihanna, her Eyes open. Glowing with red beaming eyes. Alex is in shock, so is the family. 

"This can't be happening." Irvin looks at her. 



"An perfect Ultima!" Alex is full with joy but also with fear, "Just like me...I can't...Mom?"

"I know honey, but it's what it is." Isidra looks down at her.

"She will be cared in my hands, i'm not having you but her in hiding just like what you did to me. I won't let this cycle continue. She will grow up and join my rebellion. she will not become like me, defective."

Years Latter

"Faster, Even Faster, Release your anger, but remember control your emotions at the same time." 

"Yes Brother. Haaahyea" 

"Remember, even tho you feel useless, your not, I'm her for you, I will will always love and be with you. I will never leave out of my site." As Alex looks at her sisters eyes. Tears start to form, HE looks at Rihanna, and looks at her and she is helpless, and runs to Alex And hugs him. This is the second time Alex shows emotions to a family member. 

"Alex, I love you too, and I can tell you hate our parents, and i don't want to know. But remember at least you have someone to share you feelings with." Both of their eyes turn Red.

"I know."

"Alex the family wants to talk to you." Irvin yells," Also leave Rihanna there." Alex gets up telling his sister he'll be back. Alex walks in and sees both his parents and Irvin in the living room. 

"Son, it's time to do our plan.." Jose Looks upset.

"No!" Alex knows what they are going to do,"I'M NOT HAVING MY FAMILY DOING THIS TO MY LITTLE SISTER. I LOVE MY SISTER MORE THAN THIS ANYTHING IN THIS LIFE! I WILL CHOOSE HER HAPPINESS THAN MINES! My sister will not become me. She will not be come Devi...."

"That's enough Alexander, Look we have no choose."

"Yes we do. DO you really want her to become like lycaon!"

"We don't mention that Dog in this household."

"I know my sister like i know my mind. You will not find anyone more trusting and loving like her."

"Whats going on?" Everyone turns Rihanna. Alex looks at her and looks down, he starts to apologized to her, and telling her that he will love her forever And to not forget him. Alex turns Turns to the family.

"GIVE HER THE BEST LIFE!" Alex slams the door and leaves. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2018 ⏰

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