Episode 6 Irvin

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"Alex! Its time for your Test." Irvin and Alex sat down and Mediated together, as they mediated Irvin was testing his mental health, "Your life is a lie, nobody loves you, you are a monster, You just a Stupid Fag, You have nothing to protect!" As Irvin said that, Alex was trying to contain his Anger, but he fails and Looks at Irvin with his Red Beaming Eyes, tears coming out. "You were close, I'm proud of you, you did better than last time, your new Record is 30 minutes. Last time it was 10. Whatever you are doing Keep it up, next week we will do this Again, now calm down and breath in." As Alex relaxed his eyes returned to normal. "Now go hang out with your friends."

"Thanks, little brother." Alex stood up and walked to the door. Irvin waited for him to leave, he stood up and went to the lab.

"Hello, old friend, I haven't been here since the accident. You abandon a long ass time, haven't you?" as Irvin stood in the lab, he had a Flashback.

"ARG!" Irvin was screaming. The pain was terrible.

"Irvin No!" Alex yelled, "your Identity," As the flashback fades, Irvin looks at the Extractor.

"I wish none of that happens, and everything would have been normal." Irvin Looks at himself in a mirror, his abnormal Pail gray skin. He looks at his Hands and makes a fist, "why, why was he like this? I wanted things to change, even though I'm here on Earth, I can still hear them Planing their next attack." as Irvin said that he had a Vision and punch the Extractor.
"My brother is a... Bisexual. If my family finds out, he'll be sha..."

"Irvin, I'm Home" Alex yelled.

"I'll be right there." Irvin ran upstairs." back so soon?"

"Yeah, it was an easy battle. A weak werewolf. So what did you when I was gone?" As Alex asked, Irvin walked away and said Nothing.

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