Episode 4 New School, New Member

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People sometimes fell sick when they move to a new School, however, Alex is not a people, but a werewolf. He was excited to go to his new school. The reason why was his Team/friends go to the school that Alex is moving to.

"Ah, school. The most unsafe place where all humans and werewolves can be. Teachers won't help if you get bullied, and School Lunches are Discussing." As Alex steps foot into the school, Humans and Werewolves look at him. Alex walks by them and hears the collective of whispers, some he can here, others he can't. What Alex hears is the incident at WMS and/or why they're letting the other werewolf come to the school.

"Oh shit, is this really happening? Am I another Werewolf that people hate. Oh, I swear I'm going to end up Killing them." As Alex goes to the Front office to get his Schedule he is stopped by an old Friend.
"Hi Jose, it been a while." 

"Elvia! Hows it been? I haven't seen you since Elementary school." Alex was happy to see her, he felt happy that one of his old friends Recognized him. 

"Its great to see you, what are you doing here?" Elvia was confused why Alex was at North.

"Oh, um, you see  I'm a new student here, and I'm going to the office to get my schedule."

"You're going to this School, Cool, i think the guys would be happy to hear your here, and since you guys are a team at overcoming evil Werewolves  It will make it easy for you guys to contact each other." Elvia knows too much about the Wild Werewolf, she practically grew up with knowledge about evil werewolves. Alex was so surprised about the excitement, it made him feel good. In fact, Alex needed a Member that new about Homeland Werewolves. 

"Hey at lunch meet me out the courtyard, ok?" As Alex said that, Elvia was intrigued,

"Ok? But why?" Elvia wanted to know,  

"Just wait ok, see you later." Alex pats Elvia's Head and walked away.

Some time pass and Alex had made it through all 3 periods, and it was ready for Lunch. However, Alex was stopped.

"Well, aren't you the hero, the leader of a team." a mystery voice yelled at him. 

"You Guys haven't changed at all, haven't you? Oh, how I love you guys." Alex gives a nice Grin.

"Long time, No see, Jose" Franklin yelled, Alex turned and was happy to see his friends. The team and Alex went to each other and talked how it been a long time that they have hanged out. Since there were fewer werewolves to stop, the team haven't seen each other for a long time.

"Is Dominic with you Jose?" Asked John.  

"Nope he still at west, it's closer to his house," Alex replied," Ah, we might get a new member of our team."

"Sweet, We still need help we can get." Kevin was delighted to know who was going to be part of the team.  He was so excited his tail was wagging faster. 

"I hope she does become part of our team."

"WAIT, SHE?! O.o" Everyone was surprised to find out it was a girl.

"Yeah, Danielle," Alex told them that the reason why he is asking  Dani/Elvia to join the team is that she knows more of Homeland Werewolves. Her parents tell them about Homeland and the ways they get corrupted. 

"She could be useful, We can have her look at the past werewolves we have captured and have her see how these werewolves get corrupted," Alex told them more reasons including that Elvia was were-sensitive.

"were-sensitive?" Kevin was confused.

"Oh, were-sensitive is when a werewolf has their weapon, but the Wolf doesn't know how to summon it. just Like Jose when he was a child." As Frank explain it to Kevin Elvia Was walking towards the team and tapped Alex's shoulder.

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