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Lily and I are on our way to her house, and i've noticed she's being quieter than usual.

I glance at her and see that's she's looking down, fidgeting with her fingers. I frown and reach over to place one of my hands on top of hers, in hopes of comforting her.

"What's wrong baby?" I ask softly.

She begins to play with my fingers. "M-My mom will be upset when she sees I broke the necklace she gave me. I've had it for so long, and I-I know it was expensive."

I pull into her driveway and park the car, before turning to look at her.

"You didn't break it, that bi-" I catch myself before making the mistake of cursing in front of her again. "Nicole broke it. Your mother will understand that, I promise."

Lily nods, but I can tell she's still unsure.

I exit the car and jog over to her side to open the door, grabbing her hand and leaning down to kiss her temple before we head up the steps. Once I open the door, I let her enter first before closing it behind me.

"Lilianne, is that you?" Her mom calls out.

"Yes momma!" Lily calls back, squeezing my hand tightly.

Her mom comes into the entry area and grins at us. "Hi sweetie, hello Mason!"

"Hi Mrs. Rose." I return a small smile.

Lily stays quiet for a few seconds before she suddenly rushes over to her mom and hugs her.

My poor girl.

God she's precious.

Her mother looks surprised, but wraps her arms around Lily's tiny figure anyways. "What's wrong dear? Did something happen at school?" She looks over to me, as if asking for an explanation.

I reach my hand into my front pocket and pull out her necklace. Mrs. Rose looks confused, but then notices the broken pieces and frowns.

"I'm sorry momma, I-I didn't mean to break it, promise." Lily says, sounding like she's about to cry. She tightens her grip on her mother.

Hearing her like this makes me furious. Nicole will pay for making my princess upset.

"Oh honey, it's okay, we can fix it!" Her mom says reassuringly, not seeming angry at all. Just like I thought.

Lily sniffles as she pulls away. "I-I'm sorry." She keeps her head down and walks back over to me.

"You know it wasn't your fault, love." I tell her, pulling her into my chest for a hug. She wraps her arms around my waist and snuggles into my stomach.

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