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"Lily? Lily are you okay?" I hear Carter ask, snapping me out of my shocked state.

"D-Did you know he would be here?" I look at her with wide eyes, and I can't help but feel betrayed.

She quickly shakes her head. "No I had no idea, I swear!" The apologetic look on her face tells me that she really didn't know.

I return my gaze back to Mason, to see him scanning the crowd with a hard look on his face. One i've never seen before. When his eyes finally meet mine, he freezes, just like I did.

He has a mix of emotions in his eyes.
Surprise, confusion, sadness, worry, guilt.

His body is tense and he moves his gaze over to my left, noticing Carter and sending her a glare, before he returns his stare to me. His eyes soften and he starts to move in my direction, but I notice his movements quickly and shake my head, telling him not to.

He immediately stops and his jaw clenches, before he mouths the words, 'I'm sorry'.

I hear the announcer say the fight is about to begin and wince, quickly turning around to face the other direction. I then hear one fighters fist make contact with the others skin.

I can only hope that it wasn't Mason being hit.

I continue to hear the same thing over and over, and can't help but whimper. Carter looks at me worriedly and places a hand on my arm.

The crowd starts cheering in victory and i'm guessing that means it's over. Thank God.

"And we have our winner! Merciless!" The announcer yells through the microphone.

Although i'm relieved that Mason won, I still don't stop one of the tears i've been trying to hold in from falling down my cheek. I remove Carter's hand and rush through the crowd surrounding us. I try not to bump into people and mumble an apology when I do.

I hear Carter calling my name, but I ignore her and continue to hurry out of the club.

I finally spot a door and rush over to it, pushing it open and exiting, noticing it leads to the back of the building. I freeze in my spot and take a deep breath.

Mason's a fighter. A street fighter. Does he even know how dangerous it is?

Of course he does, he's not stupid.

So then why would he put himself in this situation?

I sigh and fully let the tears fall as I make my way towards the front, where Carter's truck should be parked. As i'm doing this, I hear the door I came out of slam open and my name being called.

The Light To His DarknessWhere stories live. Discover now