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"Lily, I said no. Please just drop it."

The stubborn girl in next to me huffs. "Why?"

I sigh and run my fingers through my hair. "I told you already. It's too dangerous."

She places her hands on her hips. "No, Alex will be there. He can watch over me."

Right now, Lily is bothering me about going to one of my fights. I told her no, for very good reasons, might I add, but she clearly won't take that for an answer.

I slam Lily's locker closed, after gathering all of the books she'll need, but I soon regret it after I see her flinch.

"Please? Y-You haven't let me do anything fun since I got back." She says quietly, her arms wrapping around her own body for comfort as we enter the classroom of our third period that was nearby.

I know it may seem like i'm being too controlling, but the only reason i'm acting like this is to protect her. I can't stand the thought of losing her again.

"Lily..." I trail off, and she must've seen the look on my face that's telling her the answer's still no, because she slumps down in the chair as soon as we take a seat. "I'm only doing this-"

"To protect me, I know." She cuts me off, her annoyance loud and clear.

"Sorry, princess." I say softly.

Lily leans her elbow on the table and rests her head on the palm of her hand. "Whatever." She mumbles.

I wrap my arm around the back of her chair and lean in closer, so people don't hear us as they enter the classroom. "Don't be mad at me baby, it's for your own safety."

She rolls her eyes, which surprises me.

"Why are you making such a big deal out of this?" I ask quietly, brushing her hair behind her ear so I can get a better view of her face.

She glares at the desk and mumbles something I can't quite understand.


She finally looks up at me. "You keep treating me like a little kid."

My eyes widen at her sudden confession. I open my mouth to respond, but the teacher speaks up before I can. Though I continue to stare at her with my eyebrows furrowed.

Do I really?


"We need to talk about what you said." I tell Lily, as she's gathering her stuff once the bells rung.

She shakes her head nervously. "N-Nevermind. Just forget I said that."

I frown, as I grab her backpack from her hands and place it over my shoulder, like always. "If it's really bothering you then we're going to talk about it."

The Light To His DarknessWhere stories live. Discover now