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It's now Saturday, the day after my date with Mason, and i'm in the kitchen with my parents, when I suddenly hear the doorbell ring.

"I'll get it." I say, before they can get up, and jump out of my seat where I was eating breakfast to head over to the door.

I pull it open, and i'm immediately greeted by Carter.

"Sup bubbles." She walks around me and into the kitchen.

I blink my eyes a few times in surprise, before following after her. I should be used to this by now, since she does it almost every weekend.

"Hi Mr. and Mrs. Rose." She says to my parents, who look at her with warm smiles.

"Hello Carter, how are you this morning?" My mom asks, as my friend takes a seat next to her at the table.

"Pretty good. And you?" She takes a piece of my toast.

"I'm good, thank you." Momma then goes back to her previous conversation with my dad.

Carter turns to me with a smirk. "Come sit." I slowly walk over and sit next to her, only hesitating because of the look on her face. "So...give me the details."

Carter was going to wait for me at my house so I could tell her about the date, but she texted me and said that she was too tired. She decided to just come over today instead, and went home last night.

A blush appears on my cheeks and I look down while playing with my fingers nervously.

Carter's words must've caught my parents attention, because they both turn to look at me.

"Oh, that's right honey. You never told us about your date with Mason." Papa exclaims, and they both stare at me with anticipation.

My face heats up even more at the attention. I quickly go into detail about what we did last night. Telling them about how I had to help Mason with bowling, and about how gorgeous the setup on the dock was. I even pulled out my phone to show them some of the pictures I took. They all 'awe' at those.

"I must say, he did a great job." My father nods in approval.

My mom looks at him like he's crazy. "Are you kidding? He did an amazing job. I'm glad you have him Lily, I can tell he cares about you a lot." She says, and it almost looks like she's about to tear up.

I nod in agreement. "He does, momma."

I tell them some more about last night and after, Carter decides she's in the mood for ice cream. My parents give me permission to go with her.

"Can we invite Masey and Noah?" I ask her, subconsciously starting to bounce on my toes.

Carter rolls her eyes. "Sure bubbles. It's not like you just spent a whole night with him or anything." She says sarcastically. I giggle, knowing she's only messing with me, since she called me bubbles.

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