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"Come on sweetheart, time to wake up." I hear a soft voice say, belonging to my mother. I whine quietly in objection and snuggle further into my fluffy pillow.

I hear a sigh. "Fine. I guess you don't want any of the chocolate chip pancakes i'm making, which just so happen to be your favorite."

I immediately scramble out of bed, almost falling in the process. I stand up in front of my mother and smile sheepishly. "Sorry momma."

She sends me a knowing smile in return. "Fix yourself up and then come downstairs. Your father and I have something important to tell you." I nod in response.

Once she's gone I rush into my bathroom and brush my teeth, then my hair, leaving it in its natural waviness.

I walk over to my closet and pick out an outfit. It consists of a baby blue knit sweater and a navy blue plaid skirt. I pair the outfit with some all white Nike shoes.

Once i'm satisfied with it, I head out of my room and down the stairs

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Once i'm satisfied with it, I head out of my room and down the stairs.

I walk into the kitchen and see my parents sitting at the table. Papa is reading a newspaper while momma is making my pancakes.

I smile and walk over to my father, leaning down to give him a quick hug. "Good morning papa."

He looks up and smiles. "Morning sweetheart"

I take a seat next to him as momma brings a plate of pancakes over and places it on the table in front of me.

She takes a seat and clears her throat. "So hun, we woke you up extra early for a reason." I nod and sit up straighter as she grins. "We have some good news."

Papa puts his newspaper down. "You will be starting at a public school today."

My eyes widen and a huge smile spreads across my face at his words.

I've been wanting to go to public school, instead of being homeschooled, since the first grade. My parents repeatedly told me it wasn't safe so I stopped asking after I entered third grade.

"Really?" I clasp my hands together in excitement. They both nod with similar smiles on their faces and I gasp. "Thank you." I stand up and rush over to them, giving each of them a hug.

I suddenly realize I have nothing for school. No backpack, no pencils, no notebooks. Nothing.

"I don't have any school supplies." I remind them, holding back a pout.

"We already thought of that honey."

Momma walks out for a few seconds before returning with a white backpack. She holds it out for me and I quickly, but carefully, take it from her hands. I thank her quietly as I admire the simple bag.

"It has everything you'll need." Momma explains. She checks the time on her watch. "Oh, we should get going soon. Hurry and eat your breakfast."

I quickly eat the delicious pancakes, without making too much of a mess, before grabbing my bag and heading out the door, following my mom to the car.

I love car rides.

It means I get to be outside which doesn't happen very much. My parents have always been very protective and strict. That's why this sudden news surprised me so much. And it's also why I was homeschooled in the first place. I know i'm different from other teenagers my age. I've never had a friend before.

Unless you count the little girl I used to speak to through the white picket fence in our backyard when I was only nine. Until my parents found out and scolded me for it.

They built a bigger fence after that.

After about fifteen minutes of driving past buildings and places i've never seen, we stop in front of a huge building with several smaller ones connected to it.

We pull into the parking lot and find a spot close to the one labeled 'Main Office' in big white letters.

"Welcome to Lakeview High School."

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