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"Lily, come on my love, it's time to wake up." I hear a familiar deep voice say, before a weight is added onto the bed next to me.

My nose scrunches up and I quickly shake my head. "No."

"But Alex is coming over, don't you wanna see him?" Mason asks, while running his fingers through my hair.

My eyes immediately open and I sit up. "Really?"

I've been bothering him about seeing Alex again. At first he seemed hesitant, but I don't know why, since they're friends.

"Yeah. I have to go somewhere for a couple hours, but i'll be back before you fall asleep." He explains.

"Why are you leaving?" I pout, straddling his waist so my legs are on each side of his body. I rest my head on his chest. "I thought we were gonna spend the whole weekend together."

I hear him sigh and he begins to run his fingers through my hair again. "I know angel, I thought we were too. Something came up last minute, but I promise i'll be as quick as possible and we can spend all day tomorrow together." He kisses the top of my head.

"Or you can stay home with me. A-And we can watch Tangled and order pizza, oh and cuddle!" I exclaim, now leaning back to look up at him.

"Lils, I really wish we could." He says, and I can see the guilt flashing through his eyes.

My smile falls and I go back to pouting.

I slide off of his lap and stand up from the bed so I can make my way over to the bathroom. Before I enter though, the doorbell rings from downstairs.

I glance over at Mason to see him stand up from the bed too. "Lily, let me get that-" He starts to say, but i'm already rushing out of his room and down the stairs.

"Lilianne Grace Rose you better not open that door!" Mason says from the top of the stairs in a stern voice.

I choose to ignore him and skip over to the front door. I don't hesitate before opening it, and when I see who's on the other side, a huge smile appears on my face.

"Ally!" I exclaim, before stepping closer and wrapping my arms around his waist.

I hear him chuckle. "Hey Lulu." He says in a gentle voice as he returns the hug.

I hear a relieved sigh from behind me, before i'm suddenly pulled out of Ally's arms and turned to face Mason.

Out of nowhere, he bends down and pulls me over his shoulder, making me let out a surprised squeal.
"We'll be back in a minute." I hear Mason say, his voice filled with annoyance.

I frown as I feel him start to walk up the stairs.

We enter his room and he shuts the door behind him before placing me on the ground. He looks down at me sternly. "Didn't I tell you not to open the door?" He asks through gritted teeth.

The Light To His DarknessWhere stories live. Discover now