Jock!PJ x Strict!Student!Reader

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(Well, strict as in you are very serious about your school work so yah. And I'm sorry I took so long to post it, I'm just not really into Undertale anymore guys :/ but I won't stop writing just because something else pulled me into their fandom, you can gimme requests if you like, it might motivate me to write)

Your Pov

I grew up with strict parents, guess you could say it runs in the family, because all of my family members grew up to be parts of popular businesses because they were so serious with their work that they came out very intelligent, I was also very smart, I got encouraged by my parents, I also got allot of lessons so I usually got straight A's, my teachers saw how I was and immediately started respecting me, all was well, I never get bullied or anything, then I had to move because my parents had work in another country so we moved, I got to go to a new school, with monsters this time, awesome. I helped with unpacking and stuff, then I got registered into another school, I've never met a monster in person so this should be interesting. After a week of unpacking, I was ready to go to school, after showering and making sure my hair wasn't in my face, I put on a long, blue jeans that was a bit baggier than my legs and a long sleeved jersey along with a pair of (Name of brand) sneakers, I slung my bag over my shoulders, put my phone in my pocket and went downstairs, both my parents were busy typing away on their computers, at least they had time to make me some toast, I quickly ate and left, telling them goodbye. I was walking distance from my school so I walked, my posture straight as I walked briskly to my destination, I made it and checked the map mom got for me, I checked my schedule as well, math, room 102, I have to get to my home room first which is in room 109. (I don't know how your school is but in my school, you had a home room where you would have like a private teacher take role to see if you were here or not, then you would go to the class you had.) I got to the class and sat in a seat in the corner, after a while, more students came in and sat as well, then a goat-lady which I assume is the teacher came in and began talking. "Hello class, I was informed that we had a new student today, please come forward." She says kindly, I stood up and walked to the front of the class, everyone had their eyes on me. "Hello, my name is Y/n L/n, I hope we can get along." I say loud and clear before talking a little bit about my hobbies (Normal ones please :P), timing myself in my head on how long to go on for before stopping, I heard mumbles among my classmates. "Very nice to meet you Y/n, I am Miss Toriel, you may be seated." She says, I bow a little before heading back to my seat, we finished role call and headed to our classes, some people decided to walk slow in front of me which I didn't like one bit, I found my way around them all and got to my class, math. (I did some research, Geno's a math teacher, holy crap.) I walked in, most likely early since there were only a few students in the class and they all look like nerds, shy ones, I just sat in the first row cuz y not and I pulled out the necessary books for this class. (Did I forget to mention that my school has no lockers? We have to bring books according to our timetable everyday.) After a while, other students came in and the teacher began the class, I was writing notes while the teacher was explain what I already knew. "I need someone to do this question for me and explain along the way, mmm, what about you, new girl." He said while pointing at me, I stood up and took the marker from him, it was algebra so this should be easy. "It's Y/n by the way, sir." I say politely as I start doing the question and explaining, ah, explaining, the one thing I was complete shit at before, now look at me, I finished the question with ease and handed the marker back to the teacher before going back to my desk. "That was very well done, Y/n." He said, sounding impressed, he gave us homework before bell rang, it was lunch time now, I had my own lunch so I just went straight to an empty table in the cafeteria, I was encouraged to eat healthy as well so I had wheat bread with cheese, a fruit bowl (Ugggghhhhh Fruit bowls taste so gooooood) and a bottle of apple juice, while eating, a few others came and sat at the table, they were the same set of nerds from my math class, a yellow dinosaur and 3 skeletons. "Hi! you must be the new student, my name is Palette!" Palette said while putting out his hand for me to shake. "I'm Y/n." I say. "Nice to meet you Y/n! These are my friends, Goth, Fresh and Alphys!" He said while pointing each of them out, I waved at them with a small smile, they began their small talk as I ate in silence, I'm not one for small talk, after I finished eating, I packed up again. "Do you guys know where the library is?" I ask. "Of course! In fact we're heading there now to complete a project! Just tag along!" Palette says, they all head to the library, I just follow until we made it, I went on the table next to them and started doing my math homework just to get it out of the way, it was class again and I had art, the others had different subjects except Fresh, we both had art so we walked together and sat next to each other, the art teacher (which is ink) walked in with a bright smile. "Hello class! Today we have a project, a group project!" He exclaims, most of the class groaned, I don't blame them, group work is the worst. He picked out our groups, they were groups of four. "Alright, Y/n, Fresh, BP and PJ. Alright, get into your groups please so I can give you your assignments." He says, Fresh looked a bit nervous. "What's wrong?" I ask. "We got paired up with jocks." He says softly, ugh, jocks, juuust great, we got set up in our groups and Mr ink walked around telling each group what to do then he came up to us. "Alright, you all have to draw with four materials, each person will draw with one, the materials are colored pencils, markers, paint and digital, if you have no drawing tablet then let me know at the end of class, for now, write down your ideas and show me at the end of class and I'll tell you if it's a good idea or not." Mr ink said before walking off to another group. (This was an actual project I got and geez! Digital art is so hard! I highly respect you digital artists as much as the traditional ones) As soon as he walked off, one of the jocks started talking, the skeleton one. "Alright, nerds, you know how this works, I'm the leader, split the work among yourselves and I won't bully you for a week." He said. "Excuse me, are you saying that Fresh and I have to do all the work and you still get credit?" I ask. "Exactly-" "Then no." I say. "Listen nerd, you have no idea who you're talking to." He said. "You're right, I don't, you haven't introduced yourself so I have no clue but I know you have no power over me." I said calmly. "I am the leader so I do have power over you, also I am PJ, the most popular jock in this school and everyone is smart enough to not answer back to a jock." He says. "A jock, a label you'll only have in highschool and by the way you're a very crappy leader." I say. "Oh man I can't wait to beat you after school." He says. "Oh man I can't wait to see you working at minimum wage in the next five years." I say back, he was silent. "Nothing to say? Then I suggest you get your shit together and do your part in the group." I say before picking his pen up and shoving it in his hand. "And you know what? I'll lead the group." I say, Pj was going to protest but I put my index finger up, silencing him, I then separate up the work between the four of us, Fresh had the colored pencils, BP had paint, Pj had markers and I took digital. "Ugh I'm not doing anything." Bp says. "Come again?" I say while glaring daggers at him causing him to flinch and start writing, if it wasn't for my mom, I wouldn't have known that trick, what I didn't know was that Mr ink was watching us, needless to say he was very impressed at my attitude towards the jocks. After a while of putting my thoughts together, I hear groaning, I look up to see Fresh struggling a bit. "You okay there Fresh?" I ask, he jumped at his name. "Uh, yes, I'm just not creative so I don't have any ideas, normally palette would help me but he's not here..." He says. "How about I help you, do you have anything you love to draw?" I ask. "Well, Palette says I'm good at drawing straight lines." He says. "Hmmm, maybe you can do landscapes, wait no, too big, would take too long with colored pencils, ooh, how about drawing in an origami style? That consists of a bunch of lines, you can research origami later." I suggest, he hums and writes without any other problems, I look over at the other two. "Any problems with you two?" I ask, they shook their heads. "What ideas do you have?" I ask. "This sounds stupid, I want to paint a galaxy." Bp says. "That's not stupid, goes well with paint, it'll be easy to blend the colors." I say. "And you?" I ask Pj. "I dunno, figure drawing or something." He says. After a while, Mr ink walked around and approved of everyone's ideas, now it was time to go home, I'm surprised Pj didn't show up with like a posse to try and beat me up or something, when I reached home, I went to my room and got straight to work on the assignment, I decided to draw a forest with a gryphon in the middle.

~Timeskip~ (Still your pov)

The project was over, we passed with high grades, it's been odd though, Pj's been acting weird, I would often catch him staring at me during class, whenever he realized I caught him, he would look away with a rainbow blush on his face, he didn't hang out with his 'gang' anymore either and he spent more time on his work, this confused me but I didn't question it, maybe he finally realized how important education is, he never talked to me since the project which was kinda expected. I was sitting in the library, I just wanted some quiet time so I decided to read a book, after a while of reading I heard a chair move in front of me signaling that someone is sitting at the same table as me, I didn't bother to raise my head to see who it was until I hear a throat clear, I look up, it was PJ, I was slightly confused, he seemed to notice. "Uh hi, you might be wondering why I'm here, w-well I-" He rambled about stuff I couldn't even hear but the more he talked, the more he blushed, all of a sudden he just stopped talking, after a while he slammed his hands on the table causing me to jump. "Will you be my girlfriend." He blurted out. "Sure/Nope."

(I might make a part 2 with the choices, maybe... MAYBE)

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