Chapter 1

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Sirens.  Sirens are all that are heard hurling down the street. As the ambulance driver and EMT's worked as fast and as hard as they could to transport the two teenage girls found in puddles of their own blood. Both ambulances following closely behind each other.

"Her pulse is slow and weak." The EMT working on Sloan reported to the driver. As he places the IV needle into the crook of her arm, dosing her with Saline. 

"We're five minutes out." The driver reported back. Turning left on the Main Street of St.Davids hospital. "We're here."

Hopping out the paramedics were met with a team of doctors and attending nurses. They walk briskly together as they bring both girls into the hospital.

"What's the status?" The attending head trauma doctor asked.

"Her pulse is a slow 65 beats a minute. And her BP is unsteady." The EMT explained.

"Get her in for x-rays as soon as you get the bleeding under control!" The doctor ordered the attending nurses and spare doctor.  As they rush Sloan into the ER, the doctor heads over to Marci. "Is she responsive?"

"She's been blacking in and out since we reached her. Her heart stopped twice, but we were able to resuscitate her by using the defibrillator. Each time, her heart has gotten weaker and she has lost at least four pints of blood." The paramedic reported to the doctor.

"Alright, let's get her in and focus on damage control first. We get her bleeding stopped, then we'll focus on the internal issues at hand. Let's move!" As the doctor rushed in with his team, they immediately went to work.

The doctors working on Sloan discovered that the bullet punctured her liver. They put gauze in her wound and rushed her up for surgery. Giving her a blood infusion , and immediately got to work. Her wound was spread out further inside of her body than they had expected, so they needed to give her more sedative as they would be working on her longer than intended.

As they work on repairing her liver, the doctors attending to Marci have now gotten her bleeding down to a manageable level, and were now  on her fourth blood infusion. She was losing more blood than they were putting in.  They would be transporting her as well to a OR, as they needed to repair a wall of her heart that was punctured.

"Has anyone contacted the families?" The doctor asked.

"No sir, not yet." A nurse responded.

"Get them here now. No one can tell how long these girls have left. The families need to know." The doctor ordered as they rushed Marci to surgery.

**Six hours later**

Both the families of Sloan and Marci are awaiting anxiously in the waiting room. No one had came out with any updates, so they were awaiting in silence.

Skye sat bent over with her elbows resting on her knees. Her leg bouncing up and down. Her eyes unfocused. Her mouth silent, her mind racing. The only distraction is Megan's hand resting on her leg. Rubbing circles with her thumb. Skye knows that if Sloan doesn't make it, Megan would be hurt the most. Due to how close her and Sloan are.

"She'll be okay." Megan said softly.  More to herself than anything. "She's Sloan, of course she's going to be okay."

Skye looked over to Megan, and gave her a small smile. Sitting up she wrapped her arm around Megan's shoulder and allowed her to lean into the crook of her arm.  Her body shaking slightly with silent tears. Skye could no longer be deattached at the moment, because if there was anything she couldn't handle, it was having both her sister and the love of her love in pain.  So if she could comfort in some way, she would do it.

Minutes passed, then soon hours. After what felt like an eternity, a doctor finally came up to the distraught families.

"Okay, who is the family of Sloan?" He asked. Both Sloans mom and dad stood, as did Skye and Megan. "Alright, my name is Dr.Adams, I am the attending surgeon to Sloan. I'm here to update you about her progress."

"How is she doing?" Sloan's father asked.

"She suffered from a gunshot to the abdomen." He paused as Sloan's mother gasped. "We were able to repair most damage, but unfortunately a fragment from the bullet punctured her liver, and we had to remove a large part of it. We're monitoring her vitals and well as her urine for any signs of distress. But for now, she is stable. She's still under anesthesia, but she'll be awake within the hour."

Sloan's parent sighed in relief. Knowing their daughter would be okay lifted a significant weight off of their shoulders.

"And now Marci." Dr.Adams said as he approached Marci's parents. "Unfortunately, your daughters wounds were more significant and severe. She suffered a total of nine gunshot wounds. We were able to stop the bleeding and repair most damage. However, our main concern is her ventricular artery.  It was punctured by a bullet. We were able to repair it with a skin graft but we are unsure whether or not it will hold. Another concern we have is one of her walls of her heart was punctured as well. Though it is not as severe as we were able to repair it quite easily. She's resting in the ICU, as she is still in an unstable condition.  We had to put her in an induced coma, but you can see her now if you would like."

As Dr.Adams finished speaking, he lead Marci's parents to the ICU. Leaving Sloan's parents, as well as Skye and Megan alone to ponder their thoughts.

Megan sat down in her seat and rested her head against the wall. She tried to control her breathing as she had been expecting the worst. Skye joined her and once again wrapped her arms around Megan.

"You girls want anything?" Skye's dad asked. "Your mother and I are going to head down to the cafeteria."

"No,thank you." Megan replied.

"I'm good dad." Skye's father nodded as her and her mother headed away.

"What do you think happened?" Megan asked. Skye pondered her question and shrugged.

"I'm not sure." She responded. Her voice solid and stern. "But one thing is for certain, I'm sure as hell going to find out who shot my sister. And once I do..." Skye paused.

"Once you do, what?" Megan pressed.

"Once I find out who shot my sister I'm going to rip them apart."

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