Chapter 8

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Mrs.Adams POV

Sitting in this hospitals cafeteria, does not do anything to help anxiety. Not at all. My heart is still pounding and heavy. And my brain is just rushing with all possibilities of as to why this all happened. I dont think I could've handled it if Sloan hadn't had made it.

It doesn't help that my husband had to go to work. Like he couldn't bother to stay and be with his family when we needed it the most. But, I suppose he needs to keep his job more than anything. Especially now that these new medical Bill's are going to be piling up. But I am so happy that Sloan will be okay.


Picking up my phone, I glanced at the screen.

It was great seeing you at dinner, even better when we went back to my place, see you soon?

Tossing my phone back into my bag, I rubbed my face. I can't think about what happened after work last night. That's for another day. Right now, I need to focus on my daughter.

Standing, I threw my trash away, and tossed my tray on top of the trash can, and headed towards the elevator.

As the doors opened, I stepped inside, waiting until I got up to my daughter floor. Trying my best to keep my mind from drifting off to last night. It's just my husband and I have been working non stop these past few weeks. We've both been stressed, and intimacy hasn't really been on our schedules. I was thinking of couples counseling, but I know neither of us will ever have time for it.

The doors opened on Sloan's floor, and I had no choice but to put every bad thought out of my head. Because as a mother, when your children are in need, you have no choice. They should always come first. No matter what happens.

Walking up to her room, I heard sobbing. Rushing in, I found Sloan sobbing in her hospital bed.

"Honey," I said, walking closer to her. "What's wrong dear? Are you okay?' I asked, sitting in the chair next to her bed.

"I'm worried about Skye." She said. Tears rolling down her face faster than she could wipe them away.

"Oh honey, I know, I under-," I started.

"No!" She proclaimed. "You don't understand. She called me, and asked if I remembered that factory she went  to as I kid, and I said yes. And then she told me to call the police. To tell them that Evan was there, and to get there as fast as they could. She sounded different, like she wasn't herself."

My heart dropped. I was for the first time, truly scared for Skyes life. She has always had problems. But she has never really had a way of expressing her feelings.

Giving Sloan a hug, I stood and grabbed my bag. I sort of sped walked/ran ro my car. I wanted to get there before Skye did anything too stupid. Lord knows how badly her anger gets ahold of her.

Speeding down the highway, I slowed when I saw a police cars sirens behind me.

What a bad time to get pulled over. But the cop just rushed by me. Heading the same way I was. Sloan must have already called the police.

I was right behind the police officer until he rushed through a yellow that had turned red before I got there. Another cop car turned and went the same direction.

Well, if I can get there before them, here's to hoping Skye hasn't done anything too stupid. Like killed the damm boy. Hopefully she hasn't even laid a hand on him yet. I took off as soon as the light turned green.

Pulling up to the warehouse, none of my hopes had come true. I saw the Evan boy on his knees, with a body face. And Skye in cuffs in the back of a squad car. Shaking my head I got out of the car.

"Ma'am, you can't be here, this is a crime scene." And officer said, walking up to me.

"That's my daughter you've got there in that car." I said. The officer nodded, and walked me over to the squad car.

"You can talk to your daughter before we bring her down to the station for booking." The officer explained as he opened the door.

"Oh, Skye." I said, sighing. I landed against the squad car. "What have you gotten yourself into?" I asked, looking over to where they had Evan, they had him standing, and were walking him over to the ambulance that had arrived after I had gotten there.

"I had to mom.....," Skye said softly. "He hurt her, mom. He hurt Megan. He scared her. He had to pay for it." Her voice was shaky. She was shaky. It hurt seeing her this way. I know she's hurting. It scares her knowing she's capable of something like this.

"Its okay, I know." I told her, grabbing her arm and giving it a squeeze. "I'll meet you down at the station, I'll give your dad a call too, and let him know what's going on, okay?" I watched as she nodded, and the officer closed the door.

Climbing in the car, I was fighting the urge to cry. One of my daughters is in the hospital, and the other could potentially get charged with assault. It's all just overwhelming.

Pulling into the station, I figured it probably didn't take long enough to get here. I was too focused on my thoughts while driving that I ignored how fast I was actually going.

Walking into the building, I went to the receptionists desk. "Hello, I'm here because my daughter was brought in."

"Name?" The officer said gruffly.

"Skye Adam's." I answered. The cop just nodded, and told me to take a seat.

About 15 minutes passed before anyone came out to talk to me.

"Mrs.Adams?" Looking up, I saw a man in a suit, standing in front of me.

"Yes." I said, standing to shake his hand.

"Well, one heck of a day huh?" He joked. "Well, let's go ahead and head to my office. You can talk to your daughter as soon as they're done taking her statement."

As soon as we got into his office, I felt some sort of relief. His office felt neutral. Like everything has a resolution. Like we can solve anything. I guess that's what it's like when you're in a detective's office. They solve things. They solve problems.

"Okay, Mrs.Adams, first of all, let me go ahead and introduce myself." He started, taking a seat at his desk. "My name is Detective Keating. And I will be in charge of your daughters case. So far, what we've gathered, is that your daughter arrived at a crime scene that involved someone she knows. I dont know all the details, but so far we know that the victim-..."

"That boy?" I interrupted. "That boy is not a victim. He shot my daughter. The fact that my other daughter gave him what I so wished to give him myself, does not make him a victim. He is lucky, that I myself am too level headed, that I did not grab her father 12 gauge shotgun and pumped his face full of hot metal." I ranted. Sitting forward as I spoke. "So now, respectfully, do not refer to him as the victim. Not around me at least."

"Of course," Detective Keating said. "As I was saying, the secondary suspect, was the one who entered the home where she was staying. While no one else was there. Now, your daughter has informed me that the victim pertaining  was staying with you and your husband. As well as, the secondary suspect was also an Ex boyfriend of," he paused to look down at his files,"Megan. So, I'm only assuming that the secondary suspect did this out of jealousy. Though for now, we have not yet made a decision of as what to charge her with, but the Districr Attorney is set with at least Assault. Seeing as she did beat him half way to death. Now, do you have any questions for me Mrs.Adams?"

It's hard to process the thought of thinking your daughter will be charged with assault. But, never the less, I know we can handle it. "No," I finally answered. "Just take me to see my daughter, please."

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