Chapter 14

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Skye's POV

All right. I've got everything ready. Our steaks our in the oven. The veggies are steamed and ready. And the potatoes are simmering on the stove. Not exactly the healthiest of meals, but I guess I was just craving meat.  Hopefully Megan likes it.

I've also got the candles set around my room. At the end of our dinner I'll just go to my room and light them up. I'm not sure if I should play some music, or have it quiet. So I can focus more on Megan. I feel like I might end up humming to the music I play. I've been doing that a lot lately.

Now, the only thing. I gotta decide when to give Megan her present. I went out and bought it when she left. The traffic almost made me late for my curfew, but it was worth it. Hopefully I got her the right size. I just guessed at her big her finger is, so I'm not too sure. Maybe I should've asked before I bought it.

I wonder how long until they get home. I guess I forgot how long their girl nights last. But that's okay, I'll wait for her.

Just as I was pulling the steaks out of the oven, Sloan burst through the door.

"Dont look at me for at least thirty minutes!" She yelled, hiding her face as she ran up to her room.

Looking back to the front door, Megan came in closely behind Megan. Her brows were red, as well as her upper lips.

"Hey." She said softly. Turning her head slightly away so I couldn't see the redness. "Sloan made me get a wax."

If she got a wax on her face, does that mean she waxed other places as well? Do girls do that? I glanced down then straight back up to her face. My God, she's adorable. I dont care what she does with her hair, shes beautiful. Walking over to her, I brought her hand away from her face. Pulling her face gently towards me, I leaned in and kissed her soft gentle lips. They were warm, probably from the wax.

Her lips drove me wild. Gliding my tongue over her lips, she parted her own. But just as I was about to slide into her mouth, someone cleared their throat from behind us.

Turning around, I saw my father pouring him a cup of coffee. He was wearing a grin, which I guess made it a bit less awkward. Seeing as he didn't say anything about walking in on me and Megan. I was relieved when he walked out without a word.

"So, what's for dinner?" Megan asked, looking over at the steaks. She laughed. "No more apples and sunny d's I see." She was laughing.

"Well, I thought it would be nice to make it feel like a night out." I said, pulling out two plates for Megan and I.

"Well, it certainly smells fantastic." She said, grabbing two cups from the dishwasher. "You know, I bet you could write your own cookbook."

"I cook for fun. I prefer to have a more hands on profession." I said. Although this medication I've been on has changed a lot about me, I still enjoy working with my hands. It's just now I have an appetite to match.

"Well, I'd bet you'd be amazing at anything you do." She took a bottle of coke from the frige and set it on the kitchen table.

"So, when do you get to take your cast off?" I asked, bringing our plates of food over to the table. She shrugged and knocked on her cast.

"I'm not too sure. But I guess it'll be a while before it comes off." She shook her head. "I dont know if I'll ever get the look of his face out of my head."

I looked at her, watching her eyes. They were sad for a moment, until they met with mine. They started glimmering with a shine. Which I guess was happiness. It infuriates me that Evan put her through so much emotionally. He hurt her, but I can't try to do anything about it. I just need to let the justice system do its thing. He'll get what's coming to him. The best thing for me to do is be here for Megan. She's the best thing in my life. So, I need to take care of her. I need to value her.

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