Chapter 6

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Megan's POV

*three days later*

Sitting here, in the living room of Sloan's and Skye's house, my mind can't help but wander off. In my head, everything is fine. Sloan is okay, Marci has recovered, and Skye isn't ignoring me.

Although, in actuality, Skye has been icing me out. She asked for some space after her outburst of anger, she said she wanted time to think. About what, I'm not completely sure. All I do know, is that the space is killing me. It's like I want to get close to her, or close enough to talk to her, but it just seems like every time I try, there's some sort of Skye repellent in the air.

Literally, every time I enter a room and Skye's there, she bolts like a stray cat in the street that spotted an untrustworthy human.

One good thing that happened in the past three days? Marci has stabilized. And I think that knowing that puts Sloan at ease. Though their perpetrator, Evan, is still at large.

In fear that he might come back and strike again, Sloan's parents have asked the police department to station deputies outside Sloan's door at all times.

Thinking something is going to happen, is worse than knowing that somethings going to happen. Because if you know it, then you prepare for it to the best of your abilities. But if you're merely just thinking that itll happen, then, you dknt really know if you should be taking your time to prepare, or to relax and recover. It's starting to rack my mind.

Not only with Sloan being hurt, but with Skye ignoring me. I just feel like I'm not capable of protecting the ones I love. It even feels like sometimes i fail more than I provide. Like, why does Skye even want me in her life? It seems like she can muster through whatever problems she has in her own. So why should she need me? Why does anyone really need me?

I get that Sloan and I are best friends, but doesn't she have other friends? Other people she can be with, and still feel fine? No, what am I saying, Sloan would be dead without me. Or in prison really. Mostly because she can't handle her temper really well without  me.

Then, I guess I go back to Skye. I dont really think I've processed completely her outburst. I wonder why she was so angry. Or, why I was her target of frustration. Maybe because I was just the closest one? Or maybe she just really doesn't want to be with me, and that was her way of ending things? Maybe that's why she's ignoring me? Because she figures if she can avoid me long enough, that I'll just give up and go on with my life.

That can't be right. If I know Skye, I know she's protective as hell. And with everything going on lately with Evan, it must be killing her not to be around me. As arrogant as that sounds, I'm just thinking that she can't help but be protective over me. Even when we were just friends. Even when she was an ass, she was protective. Maybe she's just scared. Scared of what I might say about her outburst? I can't really be too sure. Not until she talks to me.

I couldn't but think that Skye really felt that way. That she feels like I'm just with her for the experience. I don't know what I would do without her, and that doesn't feel like just an experience to me.

A loud bang coming from the front door jarred me from my thoughts. With no one being home I don't really think I should open the door to anyone. Though, what if its Skye? Or her parent? But they all have keys right?

Another bang. Harder than the first.

Standing from the couch. I slowly walked into the kitchen. Trying to get a good look at whoever was as the front door through the kitchen window.

As I got closer to the window, the banging started again. One after the next, louder than the one before it.

Then, finally, silence.

"Why don't you just come on out?" Evan's sickly, demented voice echoed from outside the front door. "Do you have any idea how long I've waited until I could get you alone?"

Feeling everything in my body tense within an instant, I looked over to the home phone sitting on the charger. My blood running cold as I try to move as swiftly and quietly as I could towards it.

Reaching for it, my fingertips merely brushed it before the front door was smashed in.

Screaming, I ran as fast as I could, storming up the stairs. Pushing my legs to go as fast as they possibly could.

"Oh, sweetie, how good does it feel? Running for your life?" Evan's voice protruded from the living room.

Glancing down for a split second, I saw him just waiting, watching, as I ran up the stairs.

As soon as I reached the top, I ran straight to Skye's room. Locking the door behind me, I was panicking. Looking around, I tried to find a phone.

I saw another home phone laying on Skye's bedside table. Picking it up, I felt my pulse pounding throughout my body as I dialed 9-1-1.

"911 operator, what is your emergency?"

"Someone is trying to kill me!" I screamed into the phone.

"Okay, ma'am, I need you to stay calm, what is your address?" The operator asked.

As I was about to give it, Evan was pounding at the door.

All my body could do in response, was scream in pure terror. Then the next thing I know, theres an axe through the door.

"Leave me alone!!" I screamed.

Spinning around, my body flew straight into flight mode. Flinging open Skye's window, I hurled myself out of it. Landing in the bushes of the Adams' front yard. My leg instantly snapping, and my head banging hard on the ground.

Groaning, I opened my eyes to see Evan pop his head out of the window. Then disappearing into the house again.

My heart racing again, I pulled myself up, and hobbled as quickly as I could to the house across the street. I started banging on the front door. Glancing behind me, making sure Evan wasn't there yet.

As I kept banging, I saw Evan coming out of the front door he smashed in. Fear ran even faster through my veins.

"Somebody help me!!! Please!!!" I screamed. Pounding so hard ok n the door my fist began bleeding. Right as Evan began to cross the street, a woman opened the door. My body stumbled inside her home.

As her and her husband moved me out of the way, they slammed the door shut, and locked it. They began piling as many things as they could in front of the door.

"Alex! Call 9-1-1!" The husband yelled upstairs. 

My head was pounding, my heart was beating faster than ever, and my leg was searing with pain.

It began to get harder and harder to keep my eyes open. I was watching as the lady and her husband were trying to talk to me, and examine me. My ears heard nothing.

And eventually, my eyes saw nothing. As I drifted in and out of consciousness.

The first thing I saw, was the face of a man I didnt know, who was dressed in an EMT uniform. Then black. The next, was the roof of what I had assumed was an ambulance, and an arm reaching over me holding a bag of fluids. Then black. And the last, was the rolling ceiling of the hospital. Passing under many different doorways. Then black. Black for a very, very long time.

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