Chapter 19

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Rydel's POV

*2 hours ago*

Maya just walked through those freaking doors. I felt my cheeks become hot from the anger that was building up inside of me. My hands balled up into tight fists. I guess Ell noticed cause he turned to me.

"Are you ok, Delly?" He asked.

"I'm fine Ellington." I said with my jaw clenched tightly.

"No your not. I can tell your anything but fine." He said.

"I said I'm fine." I said looking away.

"What's wrong?" He asked putting his hand on my cheek and turning my face so I was looking straight into his eyes. I staid silent.

"What's wrong, Delly?" He asked a little more persistently.

"I said I'm fine!!" I yelled, standing up and pulling my hands away. He looked up at me with those amazing brown eyes.

"Rydel?" He said, his voice cracking. I stared right into his eyes. They shifted back and forth, from one of my eyes to the other; as I did the same to his.

"I-I can't do this. Not here. Not now. Not with you." I said.

I turned and ran out the front doors. I don't even know where I'm going; I just want to get away, even if it's just for a little while. I ran to the grassy patch near the hospital sign and sat down. I don't know why I'm mad. Maybe it's just because so much is happening with Riker and I don't know anything. And if something is going on, I can't do anything about it. That's what's making me so upset; the fact that I'm completely helpless. I can't do anything at all except just sit here and... And... I don't know... Cry? Just then tears weld up in my eyes. Why? You ask. Because- my thoughts were interrupted by the clang of the medal doors closing, and the crunch of leaves under sneakers. I knew who it was immediately.

"Delly?" Ell said quietly; like he was scared I would get up and kill him on the spot.

I didn't say anything I just slowly stood up turned around and ran into his arms. The tears fell, I tried to stop them but they just fell faster and faster until I had no control over them. I sobbed into his chest. At first when I ran to him he tensed up, but when I started crying and he slowly started sliding his hands over my back and then he just grabbed me and pulled me to him until there was nothing between us but our own clothes. He kissed the top of my head over and over again. He rubbed my back and then he moved his hands up it my face and tilted it up where I was looking into his eyes.

"Please tell me what's wrong." He said so quietly I barley heard him even though we're only inches apart.

I looked into his hazel eyes and sighed. Well it was more like a groan/squeak/sob than a sigh. I waited until the tears slowed and then eventually stopped.

"I... I... I feel like everything that's happening to everyone who doesn't deserve it and I feel like I should be the one that's getting hurt! I-" Ell cut me off.

"You do NOT deserve this. Any if this. No one does! And never, NEVER say you deserve to get hurt EVER again!" He said.

I didn't say anything I just stood on my tip-toes and crashed my lips into his. I put my arms around his neck and he put his hands on my hips. Minutes passed we pulled away, breathless.

"I love you Ellington Lee Ratliff." I whispered.

"And I love you Rydel Mary Lynch." He whispered back.

And our lips crashed together again. We kissed until we were so rudely interrupted by Ross coming out the front doors and squealing like a 5 year old girl. We pulled away.

"You have made out with someone before Ross!" I said.

"I know but still!" He said.

"Whoa whoa whoa, wait, hold up! Since when has Ross made our with someone?" Ell said. I giggled.

"Remember he's made out with Talia before!" I laughed.

"Ooooooooh!! Riiiiiiiiiight! I knew that!" He said, smiling. I laughed even harder. After a few minutes when I finally stopped laughing I turned towards Ross.

"Why did you come out here anyways?" I asked.

"Well one, because I wanted to make sure you guys weren't having to much fun out here. And two, I wanted to tell you that some alarm went off and I heard some people say something about room 159." He said. What's so important about room 159? Than I remembered. That's the room Riker is in. Oh my god!!!

"What?!?!" I half yelled.

I let go of Ell's hand and ran into the lobby of the hospital. I looked around and there were nurses and doctors running in all different directions. I just stood there. In the middle of all the chaos. Tears welling in my eyes. I started running towards the doors but somebody grabbed my arms and held tight.

"Let go of me!" I yelled. They turned me around and held my close to them.

"Ellington Lee Ratliff you let go of me right now!!" I yelled.

"How did you know it was me?" He asked.

"Shut up Ellington! Riker is probably dying and you act like its nothing?!" I yelled.

"Hey! It's not nothing and I definitely don't think it is, and Riker is not dying!" He said.

"How do you know?" I asked.

"I can feel it. Trust me Rydel. He is gonna be ok. I swear." He said.

Somehow he calmed me down and I have no idea how. He grabbed my hand and led my over to one of the empty couches and laid down, scooching over so I could lay right next to him with forehead against his staring into his big hazel eyes. Then my eye kids got heavy. So I closed them and the next thug I knew I was being shacked awake.

"Whaaaaaat?" I groaned.

"The alarm went off Delly." Ell said. I say straight up.

"What?" I asked.

"Exactly that! Delly Riker-" but he was cut off by the double doors slamming open. I looked over and saw non other then,

"Maya!!" We all yelled. We ran over to her. She was swaying back and forth a little. Then she fell straight down.

"Maya!" We all yelled again, but for a different reason this time.


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