Chapter 13

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Jazmine's POV

"Do not fucking touch me Jalin." I said snatching away from him. We had just got home from the restaurant and I was still heated. I don't think I ever talked to Him like this our whole time knowing each other. Right now I didn't care , everyone that was in my sight was getting a mouth full and sadly, Jalin was the only one around me and he was getting it all.

"Jazmine you need to chill with your damn attitude." He said taking his coat off and laying it on the chair. I could tell I had pissed him off and he was trying his best to hold his tongue. Jalin didn't like arguing with me , and I didn't like arguing with him either.

I left the living room where he was watching tv and went in our room to shower. Showers always seem to calm me down. After my shower I threw on a pair of tights , fuzzy socks and a baggy sweater.

"Where were you yesterday ?" I asked Jalin in a calm voice sitting on the couch far away from him.

"I had practice bae." He said flipping through the channels on tv.

"Practice was cancelled yesterday, where were you." I asked again calmly. He sighed and took a deep breath. He didn't even answer me . The last thing I wanted was to think that he was cheating on me. We've known each other for 10 years and been together for 5. We never kept things from each other, hell we were best friends for God sake. I honestly did not know what to think. Tears started to form in my eyes , I didn't even try to wipe them away I just let them fall. "Since you missed my doctors appointment yesterday, congratulations you're going to be a father." I said throwing my ultrasound picture at him before grabbing my keys storming out of our apartment. I didn't know where I was going but I had to get the hell up out of here.

Jalin's POV

Damn. I'm going to be a daddy. I was looking at the picture of Jazmine's ultrasound. If I told her the real reason I didn't show up to her doctors appointment she would be hella pissed . I still can't believe I let her walk out like that though. I called her she didn't answer. Damn. I really fucked up this time , with Jazmine there's no winning. She's stubborn as hell and when she's mad , she's mad. She be on that fuck everybody shit and I hated that about her. Jazmine doesn't like to talk about her problems , she holds it all in until she explodes.

I just couldn't believe I was about to be a father. Half of me was happy and the other half ... Not so much. I don't know if I'm ready to raise a child but at the same time I did help make it. I gotta change my life around for my child .

I got my ass up from the sofa and walked down to the parking lot of our apartment , luckily Jazmine was still there sitting in the car with the engine running. She was crying so hard she didn't even notice when I opened the drivers door and turnt the car off. I reached for her hand , motioning her to get out the car. When she was out she buried her head in my chest and hugged me tightly. I knew she probably thought I was somewhere with some female yesterday. She was thinking that I would be one of those bum ass niggas , cheat on her and leave her to take care of our baby by herself when that was far from the case. I love Jazmine so much , the last thing I would do is cheat on her, even though I wasn't ready to be a father I was still going to take care of my child.

Karma's POV

"The bitch started with me!" I yelled at Jason. We had just pulled into the drive way of his house and boy was I giving him complete hell. He didn't even reply he just sighed and cut the car off. "Ohh so you think I'm lying?" I said folding my arms and raising one of my eyebrows.

"I didn't say that Karma , but you do have alot of mouth. Tell me the full story."he said looking at me.

"I told you. She got mad at some shit I said to Mari and she started popping so I popped back." I explained.

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