Emoni's POV
I've never cried so much in my life. Not when my mom died, not when that shit went down with Carl. I was more then hurt, I've cried so much I don't even think I can cry anymore. I'm out of tears, I just don't understand how a person can say they love you but be the main ones to hurt you. I would never do the shit that Malik did to me to him. I would never do it to anyone.
I couldn't get the image of his daughter out of my mind. She was beautiful. She had curly brown hair, big pretty brown eyes, and chubby cheeks. She was the spitting imagine of Malik. Only difference was she was light skin.
My phone started to ring No Matter What by Future. That was my ringtone for Malik whenever he texted. I picked up my phone and threw it at the wall. Fuck him, fuck love, fuck these 5 years we've been riding with each other, fuck this damn relationship.
Malik's POV
I never knew taking care of a child could be so hard. A nigga had to do this shit alone. I didn't have Emoni, Kandi hasn't even called to check on Lyric and it's been 3 days. All my female friends were mad at me. A nigga ain't have no luck.
I called Jayden over. I needed to get some weight of my chest. Lyric was laying on the sofa sleep. She already had her bath and ate. She doesn't like my cooking, to be honest I don't like the shit either.
I heard the doorbell rang and I got off the sofa to answer it. It was both Jalin and Jayden good cause if one didn't have an answers to my question maybe the other one did. "Yo imma beat your ass for whatever you did. I ain't got no pussy in 3 days because of the shit you did. Kadience got one more time to punch me in my chest and me and her gone have it out." Jayden said letting himself in. He walked in the kitchen and grabbed a beer out the fridge. "The fuck you did anyways?" He asked taking the top off the bottle.
"The Fuck wrong with your face and Who dat lil girl on the sofa B?" Jalin asked looking over at me.
"My daughter." I replied throwing my self down on the sofa beside Lyric.
"He funny as fuck. Nigga know damn well he ain't got no kids." Jayden said causing himself and Jalin to burst out in laughter. Why won't nobody believe me when I say Lyric is my child? Even thoo I wasn't sure myself but she still mine.
"Nahh she mines. She ain't adopted or no shit like that. This lil girl is mine." I said finally convincing them that Lyric was my daughter.
"How the fuck you do some shit like that to Moni? You a dumb ass motherfucker I hope she beat your ass." Jayden said making me feel even worse.
"She already did." I said pointing to my black eye and lifting up my shirt to show them the bruises on my chest.
"Damnnnn son."
"Nahh fuck all that. That's my damn sister. I told you from jump, before I found out Moni was my sister that if you ever hurt her it was gone be me and you. I keep my promises Malik."
Jayden's POV
When Jalin charged over to Malik and started beating his ass I didn't even try to stop him at first. Malik needed his ass beat. That shit was beyond fucked up, never would I do some shit like that too Kadience. One because it's not in my heart, two because she crazy as fuck and three because all her friends ridas I would have to go through all them females even Jazmine pregnant ass and let's not forget uncle Scar.
I took one last sip of my beer before pulling Jalin off of Malik. "I ain't done with your ass either!" Jalin yelled before I threw him outside on the porch and locked the door.
"You good Bruh?l" I shook my head as I watched him wipe the blood from his lip.
"Yea I'm good Bruh."
I threw him a towel so he could clean himself. I kinda felt bad for the nigga. He lost Emoni and he just got his ass beat a second time.
"Who her mom?" I asked sitting down on the other side of his daughter.
When he said that I almost chocked off my beer. "My friend Kandi?" I questioned.
"Stripper Kandi?"
"Yes Bruh."
"Hold on. Nahh we ain't talking about the same Kandi. Big booty, light skin, fine ass Kandi? Got the ass of a goddess." I questioned again. I had to make sure we Was talking about the same Kandi.
"Yes bruhh yes. That's my baby moms. Sad part is, ion even know if she mine." He explained.
"How you not know? DNA test, swab that shit and keep it moving." I said truthfully.
"Kandi was a hoe in high school you know that and Ion Wanna know if she mines or not. Cause if she ain't ion know what imma do with my life."
"I feel you, just add it up when y'all fucked?" I asked
"2 year ago at that party remember? She had a kickback."
My eyes widen when he said that. "Talking bout that end if the year party?"
"Yea bruhh why wassuh?" I didn't even answer him. I just remembered I fucked Kandi the same night. What if Lyric was mine and not Malik's?

The New Girl
RomanceKadience is the new girl at SouthWest high school in Cali. She keeps to herself and she doesn't believe In friends or relationships . What happens when she meets "the crew" and falls in love with her thug Jayden .