War has begun

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Belle was back with the Saviors. She was far in her pregnancy now. She was close to the due date. She sighed as she didn't know what to do anymore. She had to help Negan and he was pretty mad at her for getting pregnant. She sighed as she then sat up on her bed and she rubbed her belly. It was kicking nonstop and it was driving her mad. She had to go with the others to Alexandria to see Carl. Even if her ankles were swollen. She looked at her uncle who came over with the wheelchair. 

"Ready to go?" He asked. Belle nodded and she got into the wheelchair. She couldn't walk. She leaned back in the chair as she looked at Dwight. 

"Do you think...Do you think Negan will allow me to see Carl?" She asked as she really just wanted to be with Carl. 

"I'm sure I can sneak you in," he said as he looked at her. He got her in the car he was gonna take and he helped her in. He was sure there was a backdoor entrance into the place. He then started to drive them to the place. They went early so Belle could have some time to relax in Alexandria before it was all worse. He honked the horn not wanting to wait. Soon the gate was open. He drove in and he didn't stop until he got outside the Grimes house. THere Carl was sitting outside with Judith on Carl's lap. Dwight got up and he grabbed the wheelchair. He went over to the side Belle was on and he opened the door. The two were so happy to see her. Belle was carried up to the porch where the wheelchair was sitting. Belle looked at Carl and she smiled. Carl got up and he walked over and he kissed her happily. 

"Hey, Sweetie. Your back." He said happily. Belle nodded and Carl kissed her belly gently. 

"Let's get you upstairs," he said as he then pushed the wheelchair inside. 

"She's heavy. You'll need my help carrying her up." Dwight said. Carl nodded so the two picked up Belle and carried her up the stairs. Belle sighed as she rubbed her belly. 

"Negan is coming. I'm sorry." She said as she looked at Carl. Carl stroked her cheek. 

"It's okay. But I'll be out there with my father." He said as he held his wife's hand. But then the unthinkable happened. 

"Carl...I think I'm about to go into labor..." She said as she looked at him. Carl was shocked. Dwight had to leave so he could not be seen with them. Carl had to go out by his dad. Carl didn't know what to do. 

"I...I gotta go and get my dad." He said as he then left Belle and he ran to get his dad who was with Jadas. 

"Dad!" Carl yelled as he ran up to his dad. 

"Carl whats wrong?" Rick asked worriedly. 

"Belle, She's in labor..." Carl said looking at his dad. Rick ran his hand through his hair and he looked at Carl. 

"Carl there is nothing we can do...We don't have anyone who can help and be with her." Rick said. Carl looked at his dad. 

"I need to be with her."He said as he looked at his dad. 

"Let Carl be with Belle Rick. It's life or death for Belle and the baby if Carl isn't there. Aswell as someone who knows about a home birth." Michonne said looking at Rick. 

"Alright. Carl and Rosita will help Belle." Rick said as he looked at Carl. Carl nodded and he then went to find Rosita. He hoped she knew how to help them. 

Soon Rosita and Carl were with Belle. Belle was grabbing Carl's hand tightly. Belle looked at Carl.

"I fucking hate you right now," Belle said looking at him before she yelled out in pain and began pushing. 

"I know you do. You can kick my ass later sweetie. Your doing good just keep pushing." Carl said as he was wiping the sweat away from Belle's head with a cold rag. Soon they heard gunshots. Belle panted as she was getting tired. She then looked at Rosita. 

"One more push Belle you can do it," Rosita said. Belle nodded and soon baby number one was out. This one was dead...Head was bashed and looked horrible. Carl remembered what Negan did to Belle at the lineup. Carl closed his eye and him began to let tears slip but Belle kept pushing. 

"There's another one," Rosita said as she saw the baby coming. Carl felt hope and he kept pushing his wife to keep pushing. Soon all the work was over with when they heard the cry of the baby. Belle panted as she looked at Carl. Carl looked at Belle and he smiled. 

"You did it, babe." He said happily as he put his forehead on hers closing his eye. He was a father. He felt so happy. He heard Judith find her way into the room. He had forgotten he put Judith in her room and told her to stay there. He then went over to Judith and he picked her up. 

"Your an aunt now Judith." He said. He then looked at Rosita who came in with the second baby. 

"The dead one was a girl. This one is a boy." Rosita said. The baby looked exactly like Carl. Carl put Judith down and he walked over to his son. He smiled as he couldn't believe he was holding his son for the first time. He went over to Belle and he sat down on the side of the bed and he looked over at the love of his life. 

"Belle look...It's our son." Carl said. Belle smiled and she reached for her son. He then handed the baby over to Belle. 

"Daniel, Daniel Rick Grimes," Belle said looking at her son. Carl smiled as he liked the name. He then heard the gunshots ending and trucks leaving. He looked outside to see Maggie, Enid, Ezekiel, Jesus and all the others. He smiled as he looked at his wife. 

"I'm gonna go get the others," he said as he looked at Belle. Belle nodded and she held her son. Carl went out and he looked at the others. 

"Is she okay?"Michonne asked. 

"Yeah. I'm a father of two. Our daughter was killed but Daniel is alive." Carl said looking at Michonne. 

"Belle would like it if Enid, Jesus, Maggie, Rick, Michonne and the king to come and see her," Carl said looking at the others. 

"What a glorious day. A victory and a young boy becoming a man and a father." Ezikeil said. Carl smiled and he then leads them all up to Belle. Belle smiled happily as her stepsister and Maggie came in. She quickly got hugs from them and she smiled happily. 

"Can I hold him?" Enid asked. Belle nodded and she handed Daniel over to Enid. Enid smiled and she sat down next to Belle. 

"We should get some pictures. " Enid said. 

"I'd like that," Carl said looking at his wife. 

"Fine. But I get to choose who is where." Belle said being picky. Carl chuckled. 

"Yes, Sweetie." He said as he kissed her softly and happily. 

Chapter Cover made by: https://www.quotev.com/ScoobyDooLover1

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