Sope | Stockholm Syndrome

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Warnings: Rape


Hoseok was the perfect child.

Everyone loved him. He was smart, charming, and nice to anyone who approached him. He was popular among his classmates for the pleasant vibe he always had around him.

He kept good relationships with his teachers, even bringing all of them chocolates on Valentine, or presents for Christmas. He was truly an angel.

But one day that angel was caught.

Hoseok was walking home from dance practice. The night air felt great hitting his flushed skin. He had stayed after school longer than usual, so he could perfect his dance that he didn't even notice how fast the time had gone by. He knew if he made a run for the bus he still wouldn't make it so he just walked. It felt good feeling the burn in his legs. It was just his way of knowing he worked hard.


His phone went off in his pocket. Hoseok wiped his sweaty palms onto his sweats and reached into his pocket to retrieve the device. He was surprised to find it was phone an unknown number. Hoseok knew better than to answer unknown numbers but his curiosity getting the best of him he did anyway.

From : Unknown

I see you

Hoseok snapped his eyes around the dimly lit street. He looked around for any signs of an earthling anywhere but nothing came into view. He sighed, it had to be Jimin or Jungkook pranking him. They had over a million phones so he shouldn't be surprised if they did do something like this.

He was about to put his phone away but it went off once more.

From : Unknown



Hoseok shrieked in fear dropping his phone when a pair of arms made their way around his neck and starting pulling him toward an empty alleyway. He started to scream for help when he started losing his footing, "Help! Help m-"

Hoseok was quickly silenced when a taller man had come from behind and gave him a good right hook to the cheek. He was hit so hard he was out of it for a minute.

"Taehyung you dumb fuck! Boss said don't hurt him."

"Oh, shove it up your ass Joon. What was I supposed to do, let him scream and bring some attention?"

"You could have just used the damn cloth with the chloroform!"

"Then where the fuck was it when I-"

Soon the voices were starting to fade away and nothing was heard but the slight pounding in his head. Hoseok was so dazed he didn't even notice he was placed in the backseat of a car. He looked up and was blinded by the dome light. He could hear noises around him but his head throbbed so hard he could barely even keep his eyes open to see what was going on.

Hoseok tried to stay awake but failed when the drowsiness became stronger. He had to stay awake, he just had to.


Hoseok woke up tied up to a metal pole. His back and jaw were in excruciating pain. He tried opening his eyes farther but his vision was so bleary and the pain in his head made it unbearable, but from what he could make out it looked like he was in an old warehouse. The tiled floor dusty and was coming up. There were dirt and stains of what looked like blood everywhere. It was rubble everywhere in the place.

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