Chapter 8

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The rest of the day went by agonizingly slow, each class seemingly lasting a century. I was usually relieved to go to art, but I was dreading it today. I entered the classroom anxiously, not knowing if Jax had returned to school or what to expect from Sweet Pea. I took my spot across the table from Betty and tried to concentrate on sketching an outline for my next painting. My mind had been scattered all day, and although drawing usually helped me focus, it didn't seem to be working.

I looked up and noticed that Sweet Pea was now in the room, Toni alongside him. She talked to him as she painted, but he wasn't listening. His eyes were glued on me, and I shifted uncomfortably under his heavy stare.

    "Okay, seriously Ash, what's wrong? You've been acting weird all day" Betty confronted me, pulling my attention away from the dark haired boy across the room.

    "I'm just a little stressed about school" I lied. "Now that the welcoming wagon is over, my teachers are hammering me with homework." She looked doubtful of my response, but went back to her painting without anymore questions.

I could still feel Sweet Pea staring at me, but I refused to give into the temptation of returning his gaze. I didn't want to be affiliated with him or any other gang  members, not if it meant endangering myself. It was hard though; as painful as it was to admit,  I was still strongly pulled to him. It was like all forces of gravity were pushing us together. Staying away from him would be difficult.

Art went by equally as slow as my other classes, so I was relieved when the final bell rang. I jumped out of my seat, grabbed my bag, said goodbye to Betty, and scurried out the door. I couldn't believe it, but I was actually excited to go home for once.

"Asher" I heard a deep voice call behind me. You've got to be kidding me. I was so close to escaping. I ignored the voice beckoning me and continued to hustle towards the parking lot, but Sweet Pea easily caught up with his long strides and cut me off.

"Hey! Why are you avoiding me?" he questioned bluntly as he blocked my path.

"What? I'm not" he rolled his eyes at my lame lie and crossed his arms in front of his broad chest.

"Look, I'm still kind of freaked out about what happened today, and I just want to get home" I defended myself.

"Yeah, I get that" he said as his expression softened "but what about all of the other times? Ever since we met last week, you won't even look in my direction". I kind of felt bad now; he was right. After Cheryll and Veronica's warnings, I had made a conscience effort to avoid him.

He lifted his hand and gently brushed my hair out of me face, exposing my neck so he could see it. I unintentionally flinched at his touch, and he looked hurt by my reaction.

"Listen," he sighed, letting his hand fall back to his side "I don't know what your northside friends told you, but I'm really not that bad". I suddenly realized how unfair I was being. After hearing Archie rant about him during our lunch hours and Ronnie complain about how he was 'changing Jughead', I hadn't even given a second thought about hearing his side of the story. I felt awful for letting them influence my opinion on Sweet Pea so easily.

"I'm sorry" I murmured. "You're right, I've been acting like a bitch."

"Well, I wouldn't go that far," he chuckled, "but you can make it up to me right now". I narrowed my eyes at him skeptically, not knowing what he was thinking.

"Come on" he instructed me as he turned and started towards the parking lot. He lead me to a spot that was occupied by a motorcycle and tossed me his helmet.

"Where are we going?" I questioned, suddenly aware of all of the stares that were beginning to fall on us. It was obvious that everyone was trying to figure out who the most notorious bad boy in school was suddenly taking interest in.

"Just trust me, it'll be fine" he reassured me, igniting the engine of the bike. The motor loudly roared to life, and I took a small step back, startled by the deafening noise.

"Oh, come on. Don't be such a northsider" he teased. And with that statement, I put on the helmet and climbed onto the back of his motorcycle, wrapping my arms tightly around his sturdy frame. He sped out of the parking lot and into the street, passing by Archie and Betty who were walking home together. I caught a glimpse of them as we passed, both of them wearing equally confused expressions as they saw me on the back of a serpent's bike. We made our way over the tracks and into an unfamiliar part of the south side. Where the hell was this boy taking me?

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