Chapter 27

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It had been a little over a week since I've moved in with Sweet Pea, and things were going smoothly. Despite the fact that it would show up on my permanent record, I was thankful for my week long suspension. It was enough time for my injuries to heal to the point where they were almost not visible. I would still use a little makeup to cover the light bruises on my face, but that wouldn't be too difficult. Hog Eye had also given me time off of work. He told me that he had grown up with abusive parents as well, and that he knew how important it was to heal mentally and physically.

Even though I was allowed to go back to school on Monday, Sweet Pea convinced me to stay home a few extra days until I was certain that I was ready to go back. He went to school though, to "make sure things are in order with the Serpents" he told me. He was worried that in his absence, the Bulldogs would try to take advantage of the other Southside students there.

He picked up some supplies from my teachers and helped me get caught up in the classes I'd missed, but I was itching to get out of the house. As much as I hated school, anything sounded better than being cooped up all day, every day.
    It was Wednesday morning now, and I was brushing my teeth in the small bathroom of the trailer. I looked in the mirror and sighed when I saw the purple and yellow bruise lightly showing through the makeup I had applied to it. Today was going to be rough, but I was going to make it. It would just be another, regular day at school, nothing different. I bent down to spit the toothpaste into the sink and rinse out my mouth, but when I stood back up, Sweet Pea's reflection filled the mirror and startled me.

"Sweets!" I exclaimed, a small, embarrassed giggle leaving my mouth as I turned around to face the tall boy who was leaning against the door frame. "You scared me".

"Are you sure you're ready to go back?" He asked, his dark eyes filled with concern.

"Yes, I'm ready," I sighed, "I can't stay home much longer, or I'll go crazy. Why are you so worried about me going back?"

"I just— I know how hard it is to face the world after something like this happens. Especially when you go to a school filled with privileged, judgemental Northsiders". I giggled at his unnecessary bash on the students at Riverdale High, and his expression softened.

"Look," I said pulling him into a hug and resting my cheek on his chest, "I have to go back to school. I will be fine, I promise". He pulled me closer into his embrace and placed a gentle kiss on the top of my head. "Besides," I stated casually as I separated myself from him and walked out of the bathroom, "if anyone gives me a hard time, I have an overprotective boyfriend and his band of serpent misfits to help me out". He rolled his eyes at the mention of his overprotectiveness, but he couldn't stop the smile that was tugging at the corner of his mouth.

"I love you", he said, placing a quick peck on my lips and going over to the coat rack to grab his jacket and backpack.

"I love you, too".

*    *    *

After pulling into the lot and parking his bike, Sweet Pea and I went our separate ways. He had to meet up with Fangs in our hang out to deal with some "Serpent stuff", and I needed to go to my locker and get everything organized from missing so much school.

Even though I had only been gone for about a week, the hallways seemed foreign to me. It was like the first day of school all over again. I felt the heavy eyes of judgment coming from multiple students, and it was beginning to make me anxious. Why was everyone staring at me? Did they know what happened with my dad?

I did my best to ignore the stares of my peers and focused on opening my locker. Since I seemingly had the cursed locker that always jammed, it took a few tries, as well as a few frustrated slams of my fist to open the locker door. I grabbed the books that I needed for my morning classes, and when I closed it, Toni was leaning up against the lockers on the other side.

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