Chapter 7

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The bell rang and the hallway was immediately flooded with kids scurrying from their third hour class to their fourth. It's been about a week since I'd started at Riverdale High, and I still wasn't entirely used to the way the school worked.

"I have to stop by my locker, so I'll just meet you in English" Betty informed me as she started moving in the opposing direction. After she said that, I realized that I had left my copy of the book we were reading in my locker. Ugh. My locker was on the opposite end of the building. I guess I'll just have to hurry.

I dodged through the crowded hallway, weaving around people on phones and jocks shoving each other into other students. I would never understand why boys like them felt the need to act like such barbarians. I finally got to my locker with a minute left until the final bell. I wasn't going to make it. I quickly turned the dial: 28-17-6. I tugged on my locker, but to no prevail. I tried again and again, but it still wouldn't open. The bell rang, signaling the start of fourth hour. Shit. I was late, my locker was jammed, and I had no way of getting my book.

I sighed, accepting my fate, and was about to go when a fist suddenly slammed down on my locker. The little door popped open with ease.

"Thank you!" I said gratefully, turning around to address my savior. My smile faded, however, when I saw the curly headed ghoulie, Jax, standing inches away from me.

"My pleasure" he replied with a smirk. I spun back around, slightly uncomfortable with how close he was to me. I grabbed my book, closed my locker, and started to walk away, but Jax stepped in front of my path, blocking my way by putting his arm arm up on the lockers.

"And where do you think you're going?" he asked.

"To class" I replied, getting more and more nervous.

"I don't think so" he hissed into my ear. "I helped you, and now you owe me. How does a trip to the janitor's closet sound?"

"In your dreams, asshole" I snapped back, trying not to show how fearful I was. I attempted to push past him, but he grabbed my arm and yanked me back, shoving me against the lockers. His hand made its way around my neck and started squeezing.

"Hey! No one talks to me like that" He snarled, face centimeters away from me. His breath was hot on my face as I tried to cry out for help, but he only tightened his grip, making my screams inaudible. He continued threatening me, but I couldn't hear him. My vision was beginning to blur and I started to get light headed as he was cutting off my airway.

Suddenly, Jax's hand was ripped from my throat, and I toppled down to the ground. I immediately fell into a coughing fit, but was grateful for the air that was beginning to return to my lungs. Still slightly disoriented, I looked up to see who my rescuer was and could only make out the outline of a tall and broad figure. Sweet Pea.

As my vision began to clear, I gained a better perspective of what was happening. The two gang members were squaring each other up, waiting to see who would swing first. Sweet Pea slipped his hand into his pocket and slowly pulled something out. I had to squint to see what it was as the dim hallway lights reflected off of it. Was that a switchblade? It must have been, because once Jax saw it, he backed away slowly, glaring at Sweet Pea with a scowl.

Sweet Pea took a menacing step towards him, implying that he wasn't messing around, and with that, Jax turned and sprinted down the hallway, busting through the exit and out of the school. Once he was gone, Sweet Pea turned his attention to me, concealing his knife and crouching down beside me.

"Are you okay?" he asked. His face was twisted into a worried expression as he looked over me, clearly concerned with my current condition. He helped me up, putting his hands on my waist to steady me. I had to lean on his chest until I was completely balanced, taking a moment to wrap my head around the situation.

"What happened?" he asked in a genuinely worrisome tone.

"I don't know" I stammered "I was j-just trying to get my locker open, and h-he just— I don't know". I was starting to get worked up, realizing how badly things could have gotten had Sweet Pea not appeared.

"Hey, calm down. You're okay. You're safe now" he insisted soothingly.

"Come on," he said, guiding me towards the exit, "let's get out of here". I began to follow him, thanking him for saving me, but I abruptly stopped in my tracks when I remember the switchblade he had hidden in his pocket. Was I actually safe with him? I mean, he is the most notorious serpent member at our school after all. Was I really any better off around him than I would have been with Jax? Sweet Pea turned around and looked at me quizzically, wondering what had caused my hesitation.

"Um, I have to get to class" I mumbled and bustled away in the opposite direction, leaving him there in a confused state. When I got to class, I apologized to the teacher for being late and took my seat beside Betty and Jughead.

"Hey, are you alright?" Betty whispered to me.

"You look like you've seen a ghost" Jughead chirped in jokingly, obviously oblivious to what had just happened in the hallway moments ago.

"I'm fine" I replied shakily, trying to not to let the terror I felt be reflected in my voice. They exchanged glances, clearly unconvinced by my weak response, but thankfully decided not to pry for more information.

I found myself looking out the window, mind wandering, completely unaware of what my teacher was lecturing us on. My fingers made their way up to my neck and lightly brushed across the exposed skin. It was throbbing, and the pain only continued to get worse as my adrenalin began to subside. I couldn't stop picturing all of the scenarios that could have occured, and I felt a shiver go down my spine as I imagined worst.

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