08. Danger Zone

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They were now coming up on the coordinates for Starkiller Base. Due to any possible long range sensors they had to plot the vector to the planet as an arc. When they received word that the shields were disabled they would be able to head straight to the Base and the thermal oscillator.

'This is Black leader. Red squad, blue squad – follow my lead. Stay in formation and stay sharp.' The pilots quickly revised their vectors and began making their way into the atmosphere of the planet.

'Copy, Black Leader.' Snap replied.

Jysella could feel the shock of her comrades before she looked up on the planet herself. She sucked in a breath. It was grotesque. The planet seemed to be almost split in half, with tunnels through mountains and glaciers hacked down to look entirely unnatural.

Straight ahead Jysella could see the hexagonal structure that was the thermal oscillator. With their target clear as day the squadron of X-wings fell from the sky zooming towards the containment field and the oscillation control centre.

'Almost in range!' The squadron followed the steep dive of their leader. Jysella steeled herself, spurred on by the determination that she felt from Poe. 'Hit the target dead centre and many runs as we can get. Red squad. Blue squad get ready. Let's do this'

'Approaching target,' Snap said. Nien Nunb expressed a similar phrase in his own language. Jysella gritted her teeth as she felt a low rumble in the force. The Base was deploying their TIE fighters. Poe's called out his last order before the dogfight began.

'Let's light it up!'

The air around the squadron burst into a flash of red lights as the squadron descended into its first bombing run. Bursts of precise fire spread over the hexagonal structure. Jysella let out the full force of her ships arsenal. She easily glided through the cloud of black smoke trailing from the structure.

'Direct hit.' Iolo Arana declared with a laugh.

'But no damage,' Ello Atsy replied.

'We gotta' keep hitting it. Another bombing run.' Poe ordered. 'Remember when the Sun is gone that weapon will be ready to fire. As long as we still have light we've got a chance.'

With their first bombing run complete Jysella quickly opened a line to Poe.

'Poe were gonna' have company real soon.'

'Confirmed Wraith Four,' Poe mumbled 'Any idea what direction they'll be coming from?' Jysella closed her eyes and as she mentally searched the base.


'Thanks for the heads up.' Poe broadcasted the warning to the squadron as they entered their second bombing run. 'We've got some Eyes inbound from the Northeast keep your eyes peeled. Don't let them get on your six.'

Another flurry of lights erupted as the second bombing run was successfully completed. Jysella panted as she pulled up from her position. Drips of sweat splashed from her brow onto her visor. She licked her cracked lips. Her face twitched as she felt the growing presence of the TIE fighters

Rising from their position a flock of TIE fighters moved to engage the X-Wing squadrons. Their familiar roar echoed through the air. The strictly plotted formation of attacks dissolved into frenzied dogfights.

'Cover for each other out there! There's three of them for every one of us. But that just means more targets. Don't let these bucket-headed thugs scare you." Poe let out another series of blasts at a TIE fighter sending into careening into another. He flew through the blast with a whoop of glee.

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