10. Something Is Coming My Way

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With the help of a nurse her and Poe's injuries were set in no time. Her arm and his ribs were on their way to be healed in about a week and a half. Jysella was given an oral painkiller while the nurse used a hypo injector to administer a stronger painkiller to Poe.

Poe was now blinking heavily at the pad that was handed to him by one of the junior ensigns. Jysella read over his shoulder. Thankfully his debrief had been pushed back three hours. The General felt that the fighter pilots earned a rest after the past few days.

Three hours wasn't much but it was all the General could offer as the Resistance would have to begin packing up the base soon.

Jysella and Poe were eternally grateful. Neither of them could have sat through a meeting right now. Poe was almost asleep standing up as she was punching in the code to his quarters. He looked dead on his feet.

'I feel it.' He replied with a grumble. BB8 bleeped in agreement as it wheeled behind them. Being a Commander, Poe had the minor luxury of having a single room. Although his room was still no larger than any of the other dorms within the base.

Poe held onto her lightly as she pulled off his boots. The painkillers were now in full effect. He collapsed onto the cot with a grunt. Jysella shuffled into the small space next to him and drifted into a dreamless sleep. BB8 stared at the two for a moment before hooking up to the charging station in the corner of the room.

They were woken up after three hours by a whistling tune and a small bump to the bed. Jysella groaned and stretched as much as the small space allowed. Poe was still drooling into his pillow. She stood up to splash her hands and face at the refresher.

The movement of the bed jarred Poe enough make him blink. He then noticed the bleeps of his droid. BB8 had picked up a message over the internal network about the status of Finn. Poe dragged himself up as he heard the beeped message. Jysella guided him as he almost put his boots on the wrong feet.

She looked at the pad terminal next to the door, there was an urgent message. Poe's debriefing was in a half hour. That should give Poe long enough to go and visit his new companion. Jysella relayed the message to him.

She brushed down her clothes and grimaced. She was still in the under clothes that she had crash landed in. She gave them a sniff and quickly changed into one of Poe's shirts that he used to work on his X-Wing. She closed her eyes as the soft cotton brushed over her face. She inhaled and hugged the shirt to her for a few moments. She slipped a pair of her trousers on that Poe had kept in one of his drawers.

His eyes roved over the fresh scars on her body as she got changed. His fingers danced near her hips. Poe smiled at her mussed hair. He gathered her hair in one hand and pressed an open-mouthed kiss to her shoulder. He began sectioning of her hair, forming a loose braid that ran from her crown to her shoulder blades. She met his eyes in the mirror above the refresher.

'You should see Finn before we head down, I'll get us some Kaff from the mess hall.' She patted the hand that rested on her shoulder. He smiled and pecked her cheek.

'Remind me why we're not married again?' The words just slipped out of him. Even though he'd known and loved her for so long, he was just as nervous as the first time he'd said, 'I love you.'

'Is this your way of asking me?' she turned to look at him, the small of her back resting on the refresher sink. The smile grew on her face. BB8 bleeped in the corner whirring around in a circle. He coughed.

'Uh buddy,' he nodded to the little droid with a look. BB8 rolled over his drawer arm flung out from his chest. Inside was a set of two ribbons in the colours of her mothers' tribes. Words were almost lost on her.

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