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Written by Taemeaway

"Dont tell me you dont know the rules. Either you break up with him or you're fired." Jin glared at me, fiddling with his pen as he waited for my answer.

I need this job, and Jin knows it. I've been working so hard my entire life to become a counsellor. And besides, i dont have anyone to provide me with money.

"I cant just break up with him now. Jin, he needs me, and i know i can make him feel better." I sighed, trying to convince him but he simply laughed.

"Then you're fired."

"You know my circumstances! I cant afford to lose this job. Just, give me more time will you? I just need to make sure he's okay and then we'll break up."

Jin looked down, tapping his pen on the table as he pondered about it.

"You dont have to come to work starting tomorrow. Go for a one week break Hana. I'll like to counsel Taehyung myself." Jin smiled.

"One week later youre going to tell me im fired. No. Im coming to work as usual." I rolled my eyes.

"No, im serious. Go for a break and sort out your thoughts. I'll tell boss You're on sick leave.  After that week, come back and answer me. I'm doing this for you Hana." He packed his things, giving me one last smile before leaving the room.

"What did he say?" Taehyung asked as i walked into his room. Seating down infront of him, i sighed before looking into his eyes.

"He's taking over. Be nice to him alright? Dont make a fuss. He's not exactly patient." I spoke cautiously, examining Taehyung's expression. His hopeful eyes turned dull in an instant, and he looked down, biting his lips.

I was worried. In the first place both of them don't seem to get along very well. Leaving Taehyung with Jin alone was a bad descision. Jin never seemed to be fond of Taehyung, so how can he communicate with him?

I would be fine if Jin wanted to tag along for sessions, but leaving the two of them alone for a week might turn out as a disaster.

Closing my eyes , i took a moment to pray silently although i wasnt a believer , instead , i was a hopeless romantic .

Afterall, i was his girlfriend and of course i wanted the best for him . I realised that i started to side him more than my team instead . Things were different this time .

I knew how Taehyung could have a change of attitude when it comes to a different environment and a new set of people . I was genuinely worried for him, afraid that he would be triggered by the words coming from Jin .

Jin isn't new to patients who are hot tempered and ... well... like Taehyung . To him , Taehyung was just another patient whos trying to get out of his own mess without knowing the cause of the problem ; himself .

But to Taehyung , Jin was a threat to him since he believed that he had feelings for me and wants to take me away from him . I could see it in his eyes — he was afraid to lose me .

"Is this really fixed ? Like we cant do anything to change this arrangement ?" He bit his lips , eyes looking directly at mine for an answer that would satisfy him . For a moment , i wanted to give him hope , but i knew that I shouldn't lie .

"Jin ... is a senior , he is more experienced and im just someone whos working under his wings . I learn from him . He calls the shot here and im afraid i cant do anything to defy him ... even if i badly want to ." I admitted , looking down .

"Im so sorry Taehyung , i know you arent as comfortable to be with him than me , but i want you to remember this . He means no harm and he wants to help you , just like how i want to . Hes a friend , not an enemy . Be good to him and he would be good to you ." I continued , hoping that he would listen to me well .

He nodded slowly , processing every word that came out from my mouth . After understanding what i am trying to say , he held onto my hand and played with my fingers , " he is a good man and would never hurt me right ? I can trust him ?"

"Yes , you can trust him ... so dont be afraid. I may not be in the room with you , but I'll always be one call away . I'll be waiting for you outside the door and we can go for barbeque afterwards." I reassured him before he pursed his lips together , giving in to me .

"I'll tell Jin to be careful with his words around you . If you feel uncomfortable anytime tomorrow , tell him clearly so he will stop ."

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