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"so where do you want to go?" i shrugg "i don't know" he sighs for a moment and then says "well what all have you seen" "nothing we only came in very early this morning so i have to say basically nothing" he stops and looks at me "not even the Eiffel tower or the notre-dame?" i shook my head and started walking "nope didn't go site seeing i perfer sitting at home and reading a book or at a coffee shop and reading" he starts to chuckle and then said "so basically you are a nerd... hmm Are you made of beryllium, gold, and titanium? You must be because you are BeAuTi-ful" i sigh "you have a pick up line for every occasion don't you" he nodded his head "yep just for every occasion i have with you" i roll my eyes and say "laaaammme" i hear him whimper "hey what was that for..." i chuckle "because that was a lame thing to say that's why" he whimpered again and continued walking "so since this is our first date how about we play 20 questions while we walk" i nodded and he said "ok favorite food?" without even thinking about it i said "crèpes" he chuckled and then said "wow that was quick" "what i love crèpes ok..." he laughs and then says "how about we go to the movies we can see 'at night we sing'" "hmm what kind of movie is it" he just raised his eyebrow like he was thinking "you will find out when we watch it so what do you say and on the way we can get icecream" i nodded my head and he dragged to the movies
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"so how do you think of the movie" i chuckled "it was good my favorite part was watching you cry when they got married and when he proposed" he just stares at me "what it's not my fault that i am sensitive and besides it was so cliché how he proposed and the ring bearer was so cute i want a baby husky now... but do you know my favorite part was" i huffed knowing that he was most likely going to say a pickup line or something about the movie "what was your favorite part?" he smirks and damn he's cute when he smirks "my favorite part was having you right next to me" and then he winked, i chuckled and continued walking *ding ding* "ana: how are you doing just checking up on you kiddo" "i'm fine i just saw 'at night we sing' " *ding ding* "ok i'll see you later tonight" i felt a arm around my shoulder "who you texting?" i shake off his arm even though i don't want to i could feel the warmth his body was giving off and then i looked at him and he was pouting awww he's so adorable when he pouts i wish i didn't take his arm off my shoulder. i shake my head "why am i thinking these things" "what things" i look at him and he has his head tilted and his one eyebrow up... shit i said that out loud "uhhhh... nothing ummmm... what's our next thing on the agenda?" he thinks and then said "since it's almost sunset why don't we go grab some dinner and the head to the park and go star gazing?"
we were walking past the park to go to a restaurant when i saw a burger stand ohh i could go for a burger "your staring" i stopped looking at that stand and looked at danny "hmm" i heard him chuckle "so do you want to grab a burger?" i nodd and then he grabbed my hand and took me to the stand i was first and told him i wanted a cheese burger with mustard and then i grabbed my wallet to pay for it and then someone takes my wallet "i'm paying now put your wallet away" i just stare at him "it's my burger so i should pay" he stares at me for a minute "no my treat i mean i'm the one that asked you here" i just grumble fine and take my wallet out of his hand and put it away. when danny is done with ordering his burger he hands the nice old man that is running the stand the money and while he's getting the change the man says "you know you guys are such adorable couple..." i felt my face going red damn it of all time it has to be now "oh no we ar-" and then i was interrupted by someone "why thank you jeff" and then he puts his arm around my shoulders which makes my face go even more red i can't believe this is happening. danny takes the change puts it in his pocket and grabs his burger and we start walking and Danny says "have a good night" to Jeff the burger guy
we stroll through the park still eating the burgers well i'm almost done and Danny's not even half way through. my face is still red but not as red cause he took his arm off so he could unwrap his burger and then he left his hand at his side sadly, when i finish my burger and throw away the wrapper i look at him and said "so why did you agree with him when we aren't even a couple?" he does a small chuckle "yea i know but i agree with him if we were a couple we would be a cute one..." and then he grabbed my hand and then he looked at me "aren't you cold? it's like below 45 degrees." i shrug "i guess why" he sighs and then dose a small laugh "cause your in a flannel and your hand is as cold as ice but lucky for you, you have me to warm you up" and then he winks but i just stare at him and then he pouts and then he says "relax i have two coats on here take this one" and then he takes off his first coat and his second and gives me the second when i put it on i could smell his Cologne and i loved the smell "i wish i could wear this all the time" "go ahead anything for you mon amour" i sigh "shit i said that out loud didn't i?.... and what does mon amour mean and why didn't you just give me the first jacket? he chuckles "yes you did say it out loud and also i'm not telling you you have to find out by yourself mon amour and because this is my favorite jacket" "grr fine" i pull out my phone to look it up and when i unlock it he takes my phone "nope you can't cheat you have to find out what it means without using the phone" and then he starts typing "what are you doing on my phone?" and then he laughs "well you know how much you like my name so i know how much you will love my number so i'm putting it in for you" and then he winks and hands me my phone and then he grabs my hand and we continue walking. after a while we stop "you know this was my favorite place to star gaze when i was little so why don't we star gaze here?" i nodded and he took me to where we were going to lay and then me being me i tripped and bumped into him and we both fell and a position that looked like we were cuddling "why don't we stay like this" after he said that i could feel my face go red and before i could answer he puts his arms around my waist and then cuddles closer "mmm you smell like coconuts" i shake my head and just let it go since i actually like it like this but so he doesn't think i like being in his arms i growl and then look him straight in the eyes and just stare at him "what's wrong mon amour" and then he tightens his arms and my face goes more red then before "why is you face so red mon amour... is it because your starting to fall for me?" and then he starts wiggle his eyebrows which makes me laugh "there's that Beautiful smile that i love" i glare at him for a minute and then i go back to the sky it really it beautiful "there are so many stars it's beautiful" he gives a small chuckle and then he props himself on one arm so he can look at me and then he said "but not as beautiful as you if i had a star for every time you made me smile today i would have a galaxy just for you" oh my gosh!!! if i knew you meant it i would so kiss you!!! "nice pick up line but really you shouldn't be saying pick up lines to girls when you don't mean it" and then i sat up so i was sitting instead of laying and then he sat up too and then put his hand on my cheek "but every single pick up line i said to you was true especially the last one" and then he start moving closer and closer...

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