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I smile back at her. "Well how about this." She looked past me to see who came in and when she did her face lit up. She turned back to look back at me. "Your holding up the line... $12.50 is your total." I gave her a questioning look and then turned around to look to see who it is. It was the kid that pined her down Friday after the game. I turn back towards her and grabbed my wallet. I took out $13 and mumbled. "Keep the change." I grabbed my coffee and walked back to the booth to sit down.
"Dude you just lost your chance." I snapped my head towards Elizer and glared at him. "What do you mean i lost my chance." He shrugged. "He is with the guy that called rose. So you lost you chance especially since she told you to go away." I looked back at them and let a small growl out. "What does he have that I don't?" I look at Elizer, he shrugged once again. "Well lets see i bet he isn't much of a butt to her as you are so that's probably it. I also head he is from France soooo that's normally a plus to the girls." "Yea well it worked before... me being mean and all." "Well that was a high school crush. This is college and besides your best friend wouldn't allow it." I took the last sip of my coffee and turned back toward Elizer. "I'm gunna go I don't think i can handle seeing that... grossness." He picked up his cup and and finished it as fast as he can. "I'll join you."
*chris's pov*
When i walked in there was a guy i guess flirting with her. When it was my turn i cocked my head. "So who was that and should i be jealous?" She scoffed "just my brothers best friend and no you don't have to be jealous." I smiled at her. "Good that means I don't have any competition. Oh and i have something to tell you." She looked at me for a moment and then said. "Ok what is it?" "I will be gone... until New Years." She looked at me with a stunned face. "W-w-what do you mean? Y-you just got here." I took a deep breath and let it out slowly. "Apparently the rest of my family from France are going to be at my grandmas house or April's house since you apparently know my grandmother." "She was the mail lady and i would always be the one to talk to her. Saying sorry about my brothers dog that would knock her down." "Oh that doesn't surprise me she always been able to attract animals." Carter giggles. "That explains it... well have fun at your g-mas... I guess." I nodded. "Ill see you later." With that i left.
*carters pov*
After my shifts i went home and flopped on the couch in my damped clothes. "You found out didn't you." I turned my head towards rose and alice. "How long have you guys known?" Alice shrugged. "I found out last night when they were told and rose just found out since Daniel and alex were just here." I grabbed the pillow closest to me and groaned into it. Then i sat up and looked at them. "Why, why do they have to leave." Rose sat beside me while alice sat on the recliner. "Well tomorrow all of them are coming over and we are going to wear pjs and watch movies until they have to leave tomorrow night. "Why?" Rose shrugged. "Because its going to make up for Christmas." Alice got up and stretched her arms. "Well its my turn to shop for groceries so I'm going to do that and then go to class after dropping it off." We nodded and before she left I yelled. "Don't forget an umbrella its pouring."
*roses pov (before carter came home.)*
Alice was packing for when she was going back home for Christmas and i was making chocolate chip cookies when the doorbell ranged. I stoped what i was doing and opened the door. "Hey if you were a vegetable you'd be a cute-cumber." I look at alex who is posing in the doorway. "How did you know i would be the one opening the door." I arched a brow. He just shrugged. "We could hear through the door." I stared him down. "No one said anything..." Daniel leaned on the wall that was behind them while saying. "I texted alice earlier to see what everyone was doing. She said that carter was working and you were going to be baking all day." I take my eyes off alex and looked at Daniel. "Ahh that makes more sense." I stepped out of the door way so the boys could come in as alice came out of her room with her suitcase. "You know i got confused why you asked earlier but you could have at least told me why you asked what we were up to." Daniels smiles as he goes to hug alice. "Yea but that would have ruined the surprise." "So i guess Chris is telling carter right now?" They both nodded which made me give all three of them a confused look. "Wait what, what's going on?" Alex sits on the back of the couch. "We are leaving tomorrow for my grandmothers house for Christmas and we will be there until sometime around New Years... but we will be back for New Years." I tuned towards alice. "And you knew about this?" She shrugged and put her head on Daniels shoulder. "Yea daniel called me last night when they found out. I was told not to tell you guys so I didn't." I took a deep breath to help steady myself. "Is that why you are going home?" She nods. "That and my sister is bring the headmaster home so my mom is making me go home for a family dinner since we don't have one often." I nod. "Can we do something before everyone leave tomorrow night?" All three of them shrug. "I don't see why not what do you want to do?" It was my turn to shrug. "What about just watch movies while eating popcorn in pjs." They a nodded their heads in agreement then Daniels phone goes off. He looks at it then turned to alex. "Chris just got done telling carter and he is at the car... soaked" alex chuckles. "What did she do, did she throw water at him?" Daniel shook his head as is started to thunder. "Nope it is currently pouring out. So we better go." Daniel kissed the top of alice head and started heading for the door. Alex came over gave me a peck on the cheek and started to head in the direction that daniel went. "We'll see you guys tomorrow."

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