Bum bum BUMMMMM!!!!!

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Chris is on the left and alex is on the right^^^
The whole day consisted of boring lectures, the assembly for the whole school, and people giving me pity looks and asking the same questions over and over. Yesterday Clare and Charlotte visited just as my sister was signing me out. I got my book back charlotte said my sister told her to hold onto it until i woke up so she could give it to me in person.
"So what do you say?" I look up realizing i was lost in thought that I didn't hear what Daniel was saying.
"I'm sorry what did you say?" He sighed and shook his head with a small smile.
"First i was talking about how carter is leaving for the next three weeks to go to Ireland for some type of family reunion?" He said wish a questioning voice.
"I didn't even know she was Irish." I rolled my eyes.
"Last time i heard she is 25% Irish but most of her family is from Ireland so every year she visits them." He gave me nod telling me he understood what i was saying.
"And then the second thing i just said was i have something to tell you so i asked if you were free to go out to dinner." He said looking at me.
I stoped waddling and thought for a moment. "Yea i should be. My boss is giving me off work until my leg heals and all my professors are giving me minimal homework until I'm all caught up so basically I'm going to have homework every night until spring brake." I said shaking my head.
"Ok then I'll pick you up around 5." He said kissing my cheek then leaving for his next class.
We were currently walking on dirt road we had just ate our dinner and now we were walking to Daniels car. "Ok so i have to tell you something about my past but i want you to know that i am no longer doing it." He said stopping wile staring at me.
I looked at him with confusion. "What do you mean?"
He looked down at his feet for a moment and looked back at me with pleading eyes. "Please promise that you wont get mad or afraid after i tell you."
I gave him a very slow nod trying to convince myself that whatever it was couldn't be really bad. "I um I-I used to be in a gang... street fighting/ killing gang. I was also always smoking, dunk, or high all the time, and because of this most people were afraid of me because i was second in command."
I looked at him with wide eyes. "W-what do you mean... is that why that jake kid was so afaird of you."
He shrugged slowly. "Yea kind of but also because my gang was a lot better then his, and there was also i was team captain of all the sports i was in."
*Daniels pov*
I just told her one of my darkest secrets only people know are my brothers, the people that were in the gang, and some other gangs. She looked down at her feet thinking. Then she looked at me with a stern face with a hint of worried. "H-how many did YOU kill."
I sighed and gave her a look that said 'you asked for it'. " well there were two. One was by accident and the other was self defense. Other than that the rest were all killed by the others."
She took a step back. "I-is this the thing you were talking about this morning. When you said 'I don't want to freak her out.'?"
I nodded. "Yes it is but that is all the past. I haven't picked up any drink or cigarette in 3 years and I've been out of the gang for four years." I tried to take her hand but she moved it away.
"I-I just need some time to process this." She started to walk again back to my car.

———— 3 days later————
*Alice pov*
"I may not know why you are ignoring Daniel but you have to face him at some point. So do it now before you regret it." Rose said as she was entering the living room and stepping in front of the tv.
I moved my head so i can see past her. "Ha no, now can you please move?"
She sighed and turned off the tv. She walked over to the couch and picked up my legs and moved them. "No but seriously, i can see that you want to talk to him but you cant and it doesn't help that i caught you sneaking out of our dorm past curfew." She said with a pointing stare.
I groaned while swinging my head back. "Yes mom."
She smiled and hit my leg playfully. "Good i thought i would have call carter or Ana."
I rolled my eyes and reached for my phone on the coffee table. "Hey"
*daniels pov*
Alice is ignoring me carter is in Ireland so she cant talk to alice and whenever rose tries Alice just changes the subject. "Come on Daniel she will get over it soon besides imagine if you told her later she would be more mad that you didn't tell her." I look away from the tv and look at my brothers. We ended up sharing a dorm since no one had an opening.
"Yea but how long until she actually decides that its all in the past." Both my brothers shrugged and then i felt my phone buzz.
"You have one chance to explain. Meet me by the fountain around 1"
I look at the time and it read it was 12:30. I have 30 minuets to get down to the fountain.
It's 1:45 and she's not here. I get up to leave when i hear. "Hey."
I look over at the source of the voice even though i already knew. "Sorry i took to long. It takes forever to waddle with these things and then someone stopped me and wouldn't stop talking." She gave me a small smile which i returned.
I walked up to her and sat on the edge which she fallowed shortly after. "Look i know that was a lot to take in but its in the past."
I took her hands in mine and looked her in the eyes. "So will you go back out with me."
She rose an eyebrow. "Were we even dating? I don't remember you asking me out?"
She smiled as i rolled my eyes. "Fine."
I got down on my knees while still holding her hands and gave her pleading eyes. "Will you be my official girlfriend?"
She thought for a moment and said. "Hmmm i don't know i will have to thin about that."

It started with a pick up lineWhere stories live. Discover now