oh... my... pirate...

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*alive pov*
i walk into the room ana is already in her santa onzie and watching tv "you know it's not even christmas yet right  halloween passed a couple weeks ago" she stopped looking at the tv and said "haha very funny your pajamas are in the bathroom and why is your face red.... OH... MY... PIRATE ... did you meet someone... OMP OMP OMP MY LITTLE BIRD IS GROWING UP!!!" i just roll my eyes and said "well yes i did and at a book shop and i ran into his older brother he pushed a door in my face by accident and then talked very much and then left and then i went in the book store and then the guy wouldn't stop flirting and then he asked me on a date and then i said no cause i had to meet up with you and then you said you off to more museums and then i went on the date and then we almost kissed and you interrupted and then he walked me here and then he pissed me off and then we almost kissed again so yes i did meet someone and there you go since your next question was probably what did i do all day" she stares at me for a minute and then burst out into laughter after a couple minutes she said "so are you red face cause i ruined your little Rendezvous or are you red face cause you like the guy" and then she starts to wiggles her eyebrows i start to walk away so i can get my pjs on and then went over to my side of the bed and watched whatever ana had on * ding ding* "hey mon amour you still awake" i sigh "one how'd you get my number you only put your number in here that's it two why did you put you name as 'hottie with body😍' and three don't call me that!" "i texted myself so i have your number and cause i know you think i'm a hottie with a body cause well it's true annnd no i'm not going to stop calling you that cause it's true mon amour" ugh he irritates me i turn to ana and said "you know french what does mon amour mean?" she thinks about it for a minute and said "why and just look it up" i sighed "cause that's what that guy or danny calls me he says i can't use my phone and a translator or anything i have to find out what it means on my own" she chuckles and says "well it means my butterfly" (it does not mean my Butterfly it means my love she only said it to throw her off since she had to find out by her self and Alice doesn't know French which also helped throw her off.) i mumbled thanks and looked back at my phone "so i found out what it means and how?" "how what?" "how am i your amour" "i don't know i just... the name just fits you..." "grr fine...night"  "night mon amour have a lovely night dreaming about me;)" "pff yea right night" after that i put my phone down on the night stand and continued to watch tv till i was asleep
the next day me and ana woke up around the same time and decided what to do for breakfast and where we are going for the day... "oh i know what we can do for breakfast i know where this crepes shop we should go there and then we can go sight seeing" she nodded and we got ready to leave.
when we got to the crepe shop we walk in it's not as bad as yesterday but it's still full "i'll have two crepes with chocolate on it and on the one can you add bananas" i turned to her and gave her a questioning look "what it looked like something you would eat so i order it for you now go get us a table" i mocked a salute and went to get a table.... half way through eating our crepes i get a message "hey cutie you know you have a little chocolate on you cheek" i reach up and whipped my cheek and there is some chocolate, i grabbed my phone and texted him back "how did you know i had chocolate on my face" "look at the register" i look up and there he is smirking and looking at me and then he was tapped on the shoulder then he took his crepes from the guy at the register and started walking towards us smirking "hey cutie i see you remembered to wear a jacket today" i look at him for a moment seeing ana in the corner of my eye looking between us back and forth "like i said i didn't expect to be out while it was cold and of course i brought a jacket it's starting to be really cold so..." and then i stuck my tongue out at him "WAIT" i look back at ana who is smirking "wait wait wait it he the bombasse que tu as presque embrassé" (hottie that you almost kissed) "what ana you know i can't speak french" her smirks gets bigger and she turns to danny who is sitting right next to me "tu aurais dû l'embrasser je suis très déçu" (you should have kissed her i'm very disappointed) i turn to him "what is she saying" he looks back at me and says "mon amour all she is doing is introducing herself" i huff and mumbled a yea right and then he turned back to ana "J'ai essayé deux fois la première fois vous bet mes frères interrompus et la deuxième fois je ne pouvais pas le faire" (i've tried twice the first time both you and my brothers interrupted and the second time) "Eh bien, nous sommes censés aller faire du tourisme alors vous l'emmenez et je vais faire du shopping" (well we are supposed to go sightseeing so you take her and i'm going to go shopping) he nodded and then ana turned back to me "i've decided that i want to go shopping and since you hate shopping daniel offered to show you around" and then she got up "i'll text you when i'm done" and then she left and after a minute or two me and danny left.
"mon amour i hope you don't mind but i have to stop at home it was my turn to get breakfast and my mom likes to have a family breakfast lunch and dinner besides when me and my brothers are at college" "it's fine after i moved to college my parents are about a three hour drive so we don't have that many family meals besides on weekends when i don't have school work and stuff and then after this trip i have a couple more days and then i have winter break which i will be spending with my friends and family" "hmm that must suck" "not really but you know what does suck" he face me with a questioning look "what??" "your lack of pick up lines i mean come on if your going to hit on a girl you got to use more pick up lines and do more cliche things" "ohhh so your one of those" i stare back at him "one of what?" then he smirks "your one of those people that like to have pick up line battles and love cliches well lucky for you i'm one of those too... and my older brother chris well alex i guess he is but he's way to shy to show it i mean sometimes when me and chris have cliche battles he'll bring one up and we would all end up talking about cliches but that's pretty much it and and sometimes he would be the judge of our pick up line battles" i start to laugh "you guys remind me of, me and two of my friends we do that all the time especially saying cliches and sometimes pick up lines to each other" "so who always wins" "i don't know rose can never decide or we end up forgetting about it so it always ends up in a tie, what about you who normally wins" he smirks "well it depends who you ask if you ask me obviously i'm going to say me but if you ask chris then he will say him" "and if i ask alex?" "well he would probably say tie" i smile "i bet you i have more pick up lines then you..." "oh yea then for the rest of the day we are going to have a pick up line battle who ever can make the other blush more wins" i hold out my hand to agree "fine" "good this should be easy you blush really easy and i have proof cause of yesterday" "what no i don't blush THAT easy now shake my hand so we can make it official" and then he took my hand and we shook on it and he continued holding my hand while walking "you know you can let go right?" he shook his head "i know but you hand looked heavy so i'm holding it for you" so it has began grr why does he have to be so smooth "see it would be easy your blushing already" and then he wrapped his arm around me and we continued to walk.

It started with a pick up lineWhere stories live. Discover now