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When i opened the door i saw my childhood mail lady April "w-what are you doing here?" She smiled "what cant i take my favorite girl to the game tonight?" I shrugged "yea but the last time i heard you were in the hospital.. when did you get out? And how did you know their was a game tonight?" I most motioned her to come in and sit "rose this is April she was my childhood mail lady and she became a very close family friend." Rose held out her hand for a hand shake "nice to meet you i am rose" April nodded "I'm very pleased to meet you." I walked into the dorm kitchen for a water so i yelled for them if they wanted anything. When i came back up i sat on the recliner "so April you didn't say when you got out of the hospital and how you heard there was a game tonight?" She nodded very slowly before she answered "we'll dearie i got out last month and your father..." that is where I sighed and then i let her finish "your father told me that your brothers team was playing at your school so he asked if I wanted to go so i told hm yes so I could see you... oh also so you can meet my grandsons" i gave her a questioning look and then I remembered "oh you mean the ones that still live in Paris?" She nodded "yes dearie my son called me up and said they were visiting last week." Rose looked at April "you used to live in Paris?" She nodded "yes yes it was a wonderful time then, i met the love of my life under neath the Eiffel Tower  at night, he had a small travel agency and it got us through the years we had 3 kids 2 boys, and a girl. So when he passed our eldest son took over and made it into a huge business." " so why did you leave the city of lights again?" She looked down at her hands that were neatly folded in her lap and she sighed. "I wanted adventure  my kids begged me to stay but I wanted to follow my heart. Have you wanted something so much but you gave it up for something else and you regretted it every moment that passed but you were happy that you did give it up?" The door opened Alice kicked off her shoes went into the kitchen and came out with a piece of pizza before she joined us "Yes I have gave up on something and sometimes I'm glad i did but at times i wish I didn't but now i found a new source of happiness so its all past me" rose looked at Alice "what are you talking about?" She gave us a small smile "i didn't tell you guys this but i got a call from the head master the second week i was there and he told me that one of his friends were looking for a apprentice, so he offered it to me since i was already there. I thought about it i kept going back and forth between yes and no but the I realized that i wanted to stay in pine woods and be with you guys... and besides i would miss jesso's pizza..." i gave her a knowing look "so basically you didn't come back cause you missed us you only came back for the pizza?" She nodded "what can i say i LOVE pizza" she then realized that April was in the room and held out her hand so she could shake hers "oh I'm sorry my name is Alice I am Carters and Roses dorm buddy" april shakes her hand "i am april i am a family friend of Carter's.... you said you went to Paris?" Alice nodded "how was it I haven't been there in 15 years..." "i thought you visit your family?" "I haven't visited them in Paris in 15 years they would always come and visit me." She gave us a big smile "so i was going to ask just you but the more the merrier would you three like to come to the game with me?" I nodded and so did rose. We all looked at Alice who still hasn't answered. "Well i have to work at the schools cafe and its also my tun to lock up so if you want you guys can just stop by the cafe afterwards and have coffee." All of us nodded "when is your shift?" Alice looked at her phone ad saw the time "CHEESE AND CRACKERS its already time... AND IM NOT EVEN READY!!!" Alice ran into her room and got changed into her uniform and bolted out the door screaming "bye and it was nice to meet you April!" We all chucked at what just happened
We ended up sitting with my father... on my brothers side. yay way to go now it looks like I'm rooting for the team playing against MINE. April taped my arm "my grandsons will meet up with us afterwards they sat on the other set of bleachers."
After the game we waited outside of the gymnasium waiting for them. "How long are they going to take?" I looked at rose "well considering April stayed to wait for them and to tell my brother congrats on losing it's probably going to take awhile, you saw how packed it was."she shrugged "yea i guess your right."
After about 15 minuets i saw april and my father and brother and right behind them three Boys goofing around. They all stoped at where we were and april spoke up first "well liam i won the bet is there anything you want to tell your sister..." she arched a eyebrow at my brother but he stayed silent and then my father spoke "well carter..." he took in a big breath "I'm glad that you came to the game... and sat with me... normally you sit on the other side... while wearing that stupid hat Lewis got for you to embarrass me in front of my friends." I shrugged "well what can i say I haven't seen you guys since last Christmas..." april looked at my father and then looked at my brother and then hit both of them on the back of the head. "you two bailed out on thanksgiving didn't you." They both nodded slowly "i took Liam to a concert..." april gave him a look, this is why i love april she treats me like I'm her granddaughter "and what about your daughter and wife?" "They had a small party..." april sighed disappointed "anyway Liam do you punishment from losing the bet" he groaned and then shot me a glare. He then stared doing jazz hands and started kicking and then he started to sing "i... am... a jerk jerk jerk i am a jerk so i will sing this song again i am a jerk jerk jerk jerk i am a jerk so I will sing the Barbie song for you...." he then started to sing the Barbie song which me and rose were recording the WHOLE ENTIRE THING. While april and my father were talking and my brother was flirting with whoever, me and rose were talking and then all of a sudden i hear "WATCH OUT BRO!!" And then someone pushed me down but also fell on me "heh I'm sorry I should have paid more attention" Liam came over and pulled him off of me "DUDE GET OFF MY SISTER" the guy put his hands up "look dude i said i was sorry." Liam glared at him and then quickly bent down on his knee "are you ok carter?" Still shocked that my BROTHER who normally doesn't care was actually trying to help, i nodded and tried to get up with Liam saying "are you sure your ok? Do you want me to beat him up?" I finally gave up "i am fine liam and no he said he was sorry." April and my father came over "see i told you he does care about his sister" April hit his arm "well he needs to show it more." She then walked over to the boys and said "CHRIS, ALEX AND DANIEL STOP FOOLING AROUND" they all lowered their heads and said at the same time "sorry grandma" my father chuckled "so these are your grandsons" April nodded "yea but sometimes i wish they had better manners" she then looked at all of us and pointed at each one "this is Chris" then she took a step toward the next boy "this is Alex, Chris's twin" and she stepped towards the last boy "and lastly the baby Daniel or Danny" twins and a younger brother....i Turn to rose ad whisper "don't they sound familiar i mean twins and a younger brother and think of the names" her eyes grew wide "they couldn't be they are supposed to come next week..." the one that I'm pretty sure she said was Chris— what its dark so I really cant see their faces— spoke up "yea ummm... hey carter" omg his voice I always imagined it but damn. I ran up to him and hugged him "s-so your Alex?" He nodded and she did the same i did.

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