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Mike's POV

 First day at Eden Hall with The Ducks. All that is racing though my head is who the other spy is. I know I'm suppose to keep The Ducks safe but I really want to take down the bad guys.

"Come on Luis!" my friend Charlie yelled at me.

"I'm coming we still have 20 minutes." 

"I know but I just don't want to be late." He said.

I could tell Charlie was excited so was the rest of the team. We finally made it to the school and man was it huge.

"Dang look at the size of this place." Adam said.

"This place is bigger than my house." said Goldberg.

"You say every place is bigger than your house Goldberg." laughed Connie.

"Come on guys let's get inside." Charlie said.

The team followed Charlie into the building. There were so many people here and if I do say the cheerleaders were looking pretty good today. I guess they thought I looked good too cause they all waved at me. I smiled and waved back just as I was about to say something I was slammed into a locker.

"Watch where you're going man." said a guy.

"Also watch what you're looking at." said another guy.

"Sorry fellas I didn't know those girls were taken." I said.

"You think you're so clever playing it smooth. I'm watching you." said the first guy.

"Dang Luis you almost got beat." 

"Shut up Goldberg." I said.

"I don't know what you're thinking looking at those girls Luis. When you could be looking at the one over there." said Fulton.

I turn around and there she was. She was absolutely beautiful. Long hair, full lips, she stood with so much confidence even if she was short. The cheerleaders were nothing like her. As I kept looking at her she started to look very familiar. I juts couldn't figure out why.

Undercover Purpose *Mike Vitar*Where stories live. Discover now