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Eddie's POV

"Eddie bear I don't want you hanging around with that Tozier kid or that Beverly Marsh girl. To be honest, I don't like any of your Loser friends except that church kid, uh Stanley? Was it Stan? Anyways, I appprove of him as your friend" mommy said as she hang the laundry at our backyard.

Feeling distraught, my facial expression hardened.

"What's the matter with being friends with Richie mom? There's nothing wrong with my friends" I dignified.

"Yeah why don't you like me Mrs. K?!" Richie said as he suddenly popped out of nowhere.

"Oh my God!" She gasped as she saw Richie infront of her.

I qucikly pulled Richie onto my side as my mom regained her composure.

"You little twerp! Stay away from my son! You and you're insolent friends!" She yelled.

"It'll take more than your fat ass to keep me from Eddie Mrs. K!" Richie retorted as he held on to me closely.

"Why you dirty little delinquent! Eddie come here this instance!" Mom said at me, motioning me to go to her.

I shook my head at her.

"Don't you ever call Richie a twerp or a dirty little delinquent! That goes the same for my other friends! They are so much more than that MOM!" I said, justifying every word that came out of my mouth.

Her face turned crimson red as I yelled at her. Both and Richie and I felt like we were glued to the spot where we are standing. My mom raised her left hand.

I knew it, she was going to slap me.

But I won't let that happen, ever. I quickly pulled Richie and we started running away from her. We just kept running and running until our exhausted lungs stopped us.

Richie turned to me with his sweat running down his face. He took his handkerchief and wipe the ones running down my forehead.

"Eddie you really are the bravest person I know" he said solemnly.

"I-I, I just want to protect you. All of you".

" You always do. You never fail to amaze me Eds" he smiled.

I tried to hide my obvious blush but fail to do so. Side by side, we both decided to go to Bill's house.

Ben's POV

Me, Beverly and Mike all went to visit Stan's house. As we near the his house, we saw Stan peering through his window and waving at someone.

"Hey look it's Bill" I said as I saw him disappear through the road.

"Huh he must have visited Stan today" Mike thought.

Beverly shrugged and started to shout Stan's name.

"Stan! It's us, the other Losers! Hey Stan! Were here look outside your window!" Beverly shouted.

Stan opened his window and saw us.

"Guys! What's up? Why are you three here?" He asked.

"We wanted to pay you a visit Stan!" I yelled back.

Suddenly Mike jumped all over us.

The three of us then fell beside the bushes of Stan's backyard.

"Shit Mike! What's gotten into you?!" Beverly asked as she felt the pain on her forehead.

"Guys I'm so sorry! It's Mr. Uris, he almost saw us! You do know where not in good terms with any of our parents except my grandpa, right?" He said worriedly.

We stayed there for like five minutes before standing up. I held Beverly's hand as she stood. Stan waved at us again, looking worried somehow.

Suddenly I heard my name being called from behind. We all turned around and we saw Eddie and Richie holding hand in hand while running.

"Hey what happened?And why are you clutching each other's hands?" Beverly asked quietly.

"Shut it Bev. We ran away from his mom" He said while gasping for air. I looked at Eddie with worry as he turned pale.

"Are you okay?" asked Mike.

Eddie nodded but then suddenly he fainted and fell. Luckily, Richie caught him fast and then we waited for Eddie to wake up.

I want nothing more (A Reddie Fanfiction)✓Where stories live. Discover now