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I saw Yoongi standing in front of Mia's locker , staring blankly . I took a deep breath and walk up to him .

" she went through a lot . I'm sorry for your loss " I stuttered trying to meet his eyes .

His back was facing me . It took a while before he turned around and meet my eyes . He gave me a death glare . Its like his eyes just stabbed me , in a scary way .

" tryna flirt ? don't even bother " he shrugged .

" she lost her fucking life because of bullies like you " he pushed my left shoulder with his finger .

" but I didn't - " before I was able to give an explanation he nudged and walked away .

My books slipped out of my hands . I couldn't think straight for the fact that I managed to talk to people even though I have social anxiety . Yes , I suffer from social anxiety . I am anti-social and an introvert which means I hate people and socializing . I am an over thinker too .

After blanking out for a bit , I quickly opened my locker and knelt down to grabbed my books . Just then one of Yoongi's friends came and helped me .

" hey , you okay ? " he asked , smiling with those bunny teeth .

" ye-yea . i'm fine . " i said , focusing on picking up my books .

" don't mind Yoongi . His just like that " he helped me put the books in my locker .

" by the way , I'm Jungkook " he said putting out his right hand .

" yea , the whole school knows who you are . I'm Fira " I put out right hand and we shook hands .

During lunch , I met Allison , my bestfriend . I talked to her about what happened earlier . It was nice having someone to listen to you rant . I got everything out of my chest .

I confessed to her that I may have some bit of crush on Jungkook . Even before what happened just now . He is so talented in dancing , singing and more . Sadly , i'm nothing like him . I can only imagine us together when i daydream . There is no " us " in reality and i'm aware of that . Why would someone so talented , so handsome would even want to date someone so ugly , someone so untalented , someone like me .

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