Chapter 14

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*pulls into the drive way*

" I wanna hit this nigga so damn bad but im not, ima just get my ass out the car and go get in the damn bed. He anint getting no pussy, no booty, no head, no nothing from me"



i feel sick

you good babygirl

no i havent eaten in 2 days and my feet hurt and i feel like i gotta throw up

baby, you might be pregnant


*runs upstairs and throws up*

baby, you okay

no im not, i might have a little one inside of me & youre going to leave me, ima be a single parent *crying*

*sits down beside my girl and wiped her tears*

Baby, listen to me

What YG?

im never leaving you, never! im here to fucking stay, this is our house, those cars we drive are ours & if you are pregnant, im going to take care of my baby boy or girl. dont ever say ima leave you. i love you to much Ja'Shayla .

i love you too *crying* but our careers baee

we still can live our lives baby.

i just wanna go to sleep YG.

*gets up and walk past him and lays into my bed*

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