The Lies

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"It has been 6 weeks since i had Keon and my song 3:16 playing worldwide. Keenon haven't been talking to me . He's being coming home late & ignoring my calls! he also come home smelling like other girls perfume

Kai? go get your brother bottle, thank you daughter

here you go mommy

thanks babygirl

mommy where is daddy, i miss him

i dont know baby, i miss him too

i go back and watch spongebob

okay stinka

*ring ring*


Yo, what you want Ja

where are you

chilling with my niggas

*hears a girl in the background*

Keenon who tf is that

man bye

*hangs up*

Kai put some clothes on , you going to auntie Mariyah house

yaaaay i can go see my cousin


*calls my sister*


yess Ja

i need you to watch the kids while i go and handle some buisness

is everything okay sis

yeaaa , we on the way


*pulls up at my sister house, kissed my babies on the forehead & got back in my car and pulled off*

"i finally made it to the studio & didnt see nobody car but Keenon & this unfamilar car, i walked in & went up to the 3rd floor, i heard Keenon say i love you & the female voice responded i love you too, i couldnt believe my ears, warm tears ran down my face & i was disgusted. i heard her moan and i busted in"

How could you, how could you lie to me & leave your girlfriend & 2 kids at home, waiting up on you

Ja, its not what it look like

the hell you mean its not what it look like, the bitch is on top of you butt ass naked


fuck you * i ran out, tears coming harder & harder

"i couldnt believe what i saw, my heart was sooo broken, the image of the girl kept playing over & over in my head, i did 80 miles per hours trying to get to my kids. i got to my sister house & she could tell i was broken

Whats wrong Ja

Ima Kill Him

*Mariyah yells August Name*

Yesss baby

Get me some tissue

Whats wrong with Ja

I caught him cheating, he cheated on me



*hears Kai coming downstairs*

Mommy are you okay

yeaa baby mommy okay

dried yo eyes mommy, i love you even if daddy dont

i love you too Kai

*hugs her*

Can we spend the night with Auntie Mariyah & Uncle August

You gotta ask auntie

Yea they can stay Ja

okay mommy will be back to pick you and your brother up in morning.

okay mommy, i love you

i love you to and tell Keon i love him too

Thanks sis, i just need to clear my head

Anytime girl, you my blood, i gotta hold you down

*hugs her and leaves out, i gets home and take my shower and went to sleep, all alone in my bed, my house was empty, it was just me"

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