Chapter 13

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"i know that nigga hungry, so ima go get him some damn cookout. he love they chicken stripes, i havent eaten in two days & i dont know whats going on!

*pulls up to the drive thru at cookout*

Welcome to Cook-Out, How May I Take Your Order?

ummm yes i would like 2 #5 combos, extra bbq sauce, both drink lemonade.

would that be all ma'am


the total is $10.25, pull to the second window

*grabs baee food, and head towards the video shoot*

"When i pulled up i see baee, sitting on this damn bike, he got on my favorite Compton jersey and his name all over this gray wall. he see's me and walks over to the car"

Wassup Ma

Wassup Daddy

How was your audition babygirl

it was good, i cant sing for 6 weeks but i got a photo shoot next week

damn baee, 6 weeks?

yea i know, i was so upset

its okay but get out and come meet my brother Rich Homie

okay and i brought you and him so food, yall owe me $16

lol come on punk

*gets out the car & walked over to Rich Homie *

Ayeee Rich, this my ole lady Ja'Shayla

Wassup Rich

Wassup Ja'Shayla

Anint she bad Rich?

Damn right man, you got it good broo,

lol yall funny.

girl u is sexy tf wrong with you.

*hears director yells over*

well i guess we can go home now Rich, Wayne trippin and shit, im gone

itee bro, thanks for the food lil shorty

u welcome

*both walks toward the car and get in*

You stink baee, smell like sweat and balls

Bitch i was outside in the sun allday , shooting a damn video

who tf is you calling a bitch?

im sorry babe

leave me alone

"so now she giving me the silent treatment, its cool but i was fucked up for calling my baby a bitch. ima make that shit up to her .

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