Chapter 20

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3 weeks later

*Kai whinning and crying*


what girl?

come get you daughter, please

nooo Ja im trynna work, John sent me a beat.

I had her all night, while your ass slept, its your turn

baeee noo

wtf man, every since i had babygirl, you be distant


fuck it, ima take care of my baby by myself, dead beat niggas

wtf you say Ja


*YG's punch's me in the face*

Dont you ever say that shit Ja


Now get your ass upstairs

nooo, you can leave, this is my house, Ja own this shit not you

Bitch go upstairs

*grabs Kai and run upstairs, pack my bags and calls Kirko Bangz*



Ja you okay?

He hit me, in front of Kai


He hit me Kirko

oh hell naaaa, that nigga trippin

yessss can i come stay with you for a while

yeaaa ma, come now


*hangs up*

*walks downstairs, out the back door, got in the car, straped Kai in and left *

*Arrives at Kirko Crib*

*ding dong*

come in girl, before Kai get sick

yeaa u right

you good ma

yeaa, i just need to clear my head and just focus on Kai

yeaaa, but what happened

i dont wanna talk about it, i just wanna go to sleep.

itee goodnight ma

goodnight Kirko

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