Chapter 31

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"i went to picked my kids up from my sister and we headed home, Kai watched spongebob and Keon played with his baby toys! Everytime i look at them i think of Keenon"

*ring ring*

"looks at my phone and its Kirko*


Wassup beautiful

Nothing cleaning up, booming yo CD

awwww, you love it

yea, its a good album

i want you on a track


yeaaa, i want yo sexy ass on a track

okay okay, when

ima be over there ina few to talk about it


itee Ma

"i changed my outfit, i was kinda feeling Kirko, i put on a pink crop top and some bleach jeans and my minnie mouse socks and put my hair ina messy bun"

*doorbell rings*

Mommy the door...

okay girl , im coming

*opens the door for Kirko

damn girl

watch yo mouth, Kai is a fast learner

*both laughs*

You can come upstairs, Kai not gonna leave


Kirko Pov

"man Ja fine ass hell, she my type and i want her. She single too. man damn man , i gotta have her.

So track you want me to be on?

its my new song called Hoe

whats it about

its about how we dissing females and i want you to be the female to diss us back

so basically, i can talk shit bout niggas

yea *laughs*

play me the beat

*plays the beat*

i dont wanna do it


cause im focused on my babys, i am a single parent

*looks at Kirko*

*looks at Ja*

i like you Ja

i like you too Kirko


*kisses Ja*


damn girl yo lips taste good

ahaa, i think its time for you to go

yeaa, i got a meeting today, ima call you tonight


*Kirko leaves*

*phone rings*

Wassup Ja

Wassup Keenon

How you been ?

Ive been good, how about yourself.

Good, missing you and the kids

mmm, Nice to here that

yeaaa, can i come home Ja

nooo, you hurt me again, and you promised me you wouldnt but you did

im sorry

i heard that before

i really mean it

bye Keenon

nooo, can i atleast speak to Kai

yeaaa hold on

*yells Kai, daddy on the phone*

Heey daddy

Heeey babygirl

where are you daddy, i miss you

i miss you too, daddy working

i want you to come home daddy, mommy needs you

i know she do but tell mommy i love her and kiss Keon for me

okay daddy, i love you

i love you too

bye daddy

bye baby

*hangs up*

Kai go get ready for bed

okay mommy

and bring me your dirty clothes


*3 hours later*

"Kai is sleep and Keon is under me, he is a very quiet baby. i guess he misses daddy to.

*phone rings*

Heeey baby

excuse me

lol wassup Ja


why yeen sleep

cause im lonely

want me to come over


itee, on my way

*45 minute later*

Come in and shhh, my kids are sleep


*goes upstairs and get in my bed*

Can i get in?

yeaaa sure !

Ja you are so beautiful


*kirko kisses me*

i like that

you do


well lets me show you more

*Kirko kisses me again and i climb on top of him

you sure u want this Ja



*Kirko takes of my shirt and kisses my neck, i takes off his shirt and start kissing his tattoos, he stuck his dick in and i moaned loud, i rode him sooo good, his eyes rolled into the back of his head. i love his dick

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