Chapter 32

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"damn man i feel so fucking bad but it felt so good! ahaaa ! he sooo sexy and i swear im feeling him.

The Next Morning

*booming 2 on by Tinesha

*ring ring*


heeey Ja

heeeey Keenon

how are you?

good and yourself?

im good, just missing my babys

we miss you too

Can you meet at the studio?

yea, what time?


okay, do you want me to bring the kids

yea, i wanna see my lil killas

lol, my babies not no killas but okay, we will see you ina few

okay babygirl

*hangs up*

"i put on my red crop shirt that says Boss Bitch and some high waist jeans & some red toms, i dressed kai in her polka dot dress and Keon had on some khaki shorts, his fiery red jordans and his black nike shirt..... we pulls up to the studio and Keenon is waiting outside, i got out, grabbed Keon and Kai ran to her daddy".


Heeey babygirl

heeey daddy

i miss you Kai

i miss you too daddy

*walks over to them*

Heey Keenon

Heey Ja, you still look good

thanks you too

look at daddy's lil killa

Keon is not a killa

Can i hold him?

Yea sure

*hands Keon to his daddy*

Omg Keenon, yall are twins

yea, he my lil twin

awww, i miss you Keenon

i miss you too Ja & i wanna make things work

i do to but you cant keep doing the shit that you doing

i promise, cross my heart i will never lose you or my family again

okay Keenon *kisses him*

Can we meet up later, just me and you?

yeaa just text me

iteee ma, i love you Ja

i love you Keenon

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