Chapter 16

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"so we arrived at the doctors office and this baby keep kickin the shit outta me, im just so ready to get this out and see what the gender is. I want a girl, not no bad ass boy. i already gotta deal with YG ass, cant deal with mini YG.

Ms.Jones (*the doctor said*)


(waddle to the back)

So how many months are you?

4months and i feel like im bouta pop

yesss, u look like youre about to pop, but i can tell you your baby gender today.

ok, i really hope its a girl

i hope its a boy

why do u want a boy so bad baby

cause i want him to be like his daddy

well my baby is not going to be bad

Okay Ms.Jones it look like theres a little girl in there

Omg are you serious

yes Ma'am

Baby, what are we going too name her?

We can name her Ke'Shayla Monae Jackson .

awwww that is sooo cute

Would you guys like to have some pictures

Yesssss please

Ja'Shayla POV

"I cant believe i got a little girl inside of me, im finally going to be a mommy i wanted to be. I know my mama is going to be so pissed at me but im grown, this is my life.

*walks out the doctors office and head to the car*



Do you love me girl?

Duh nigga, why tf u asked me that and my sister and August Alsina coming over for dinner tonight.

Okay, guess we not making love tonight

Baeee, we can wen they leave .

iteee girl

damn! wake me up when we get home

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