Deadly Lies - Chapter 5

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  • Dedicated to Each and everyone of my new and old fans! <3

Here I am again. Apologizing for not having time to write, let alone even be on wattpad! Isn't summer supposed to be free time, fun, and icecream?

Yeah, forget that. More like selling a thousand boxes of candy for my soccer team, having some kind of inflammation in my ear, doing my physiotheraphy moves....

Well here's the next chappy. Sorry for the wait.

 <3 Anna

Chapter 5

School becomes so much more than it was before the games. It becomes the only place where I can really relax and have fun. I soon realize my nervousness is totally unnecessary – most of the students are either friendly, scared away by Evan, or admire me too much because I'm a winner,  because nobody is really mean. Yeah, some of the girls and boys seem to be jealous – I guess everyone wants to be a part of Evan's group - but few are outright rude.

I understand that. I mean, we do have a lot of famous people in the small circle of close friends. A winner – Evan – and his brother, Ethan. Another winner – me – and my siblings. A winner's daughter, Victory. Sometimes the mayor's son, Kaspar, even if I soon realize he's not a rebel, and therefore only accepted into the group because of his father's high position – or probably more because of the fact that he might let some usable information about his father's job slip by mistake.

Quirina is known as the beauty of the school – the girl all boys want to date. She's not interested in any of them, she has a relationship with Kaspar. I pretty soon find out that it's not serious on her side – the only thing keeps her being his girlfriend is that she can be inside the mayor's house without anyone taking notice.

"It's not really like I'm using him," she says when she sees my face. "I mean, in the beginning we really were in love. It just kind of faded, for both of us. We've agreed to be friends, but act as a couple in public – that way I avoid unwanted male attention, and he has a polite way of refusing to date all the brain-dead sluts."

It soon becomes painfully obvious that she wants male attention, though. At least from one specific male, my brother-in-law-to-be. Ethan. Their gazes tell me everything I need to know.

Bellona is the little sister of the beauty-queen, and her innocent, yet so attractive looks make her popular among the younger boys – the ones that are too young to have any kind of chance on her older sister. Bellona is the only one of our group that's too young to be a rebel trainee.

"Rebels start their training at the age of fifteen," Kyra explains. "They can be counted as real rebels no earlier than the age of sixteen, when the best ones finish their training. Some remain trainees for years. It's of course possible to join the ranks later in life, and then you are a trainee until your teachers decide you are ready to be a real rebel."

I nod – this much Evan's explained already. "So before you're fifteen, you are an apprentice?"

"Yeah. Apprentices are usually children of rebel parents, and the required age is twelve. They do some basic training, but mostly they just help their mentor with whatever is needed."

Victory, who is sitting beside me in the cafeteria, looks up. "Bellona is my apprentice."

Aha, that explains some stuff. Like why Bellona always seems to be glued to Victory's side when she's nearby.

The bell rings, and we all sigh. There's a complicated warning-bell system in this school, and I'm slowly starting to figure it out. There are three bells – one rings five minutes before the start of class, one three minutes before, and one only a minute before the start of class.

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