Deadly Lies - Chapter 6

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Here's the next chappy, hope you like it!! Please comment, I love feedback, and it makes me really happy to see your comments, no matter how short they are!

<3 Anna

Chapter 6

"Cass? You ready?" Evan's soft whisper comes from my window. I glance up, and see him sitting completely still in the oak, waiting for me.

"Yeah, wait a second," I stick my head out in the corridor, finding it completely deserted. I return to my room, quietly. "It's clear. See you outside."

Evan nods and disappears down the oak as I sneak into the corridor, making a quick stop by Riccy's door. I press an ear to the door, but can't hear any noise from inside. My soft knock brings Riccy to the door. It's already past sunset, the darkness outside making his room behind him seem pitch-black, too.

"Ric, we need to go." He nods, and I see that he's still completely dressed, while everybody else in our family is probably asleep. I don't know why, but I want Riccy with me tonight. Melli might be a great friend, but Riccy and I have the complete trust only a brother and sister can have – we'll always have each other's backs, no matter what.

I'm actually thinking about introducing him to the rebels, asking him to join us. It'd be great to have another rebel in my family, and Riccy is the only one I can trust with this secret. Melli is a good friend, certainly, but she's fragile. Will is strong, but our relationship was broken for so long, and even if we're closer now, we're still patching up our relationship. Brendt and Denlay are out of question – Denlay has the baby she's carrying and Sarah and Rene to take care of, and Brendt works a lot. They're happy – I'm not going to put their lives in danger, like my family's lives already are. They need to stay as far away from me as possible.

Riccy can stand up for himself. He's confident, and I know he'll help me protect the others. I'm not involving either Suzanne nor Greg nor Eric and Adina, no way. This needs to stay with me and Riccy.
Secrets, I think bitterly. That's about everything my life consists of at the moment.

I've told Riccy we're going to the academy to train – which is true, in a way. The trainings have started now that it's the second week of school. The first week is meant to be training-free, so that new students have time to settle in and learn the rules of the school – and the importance of keeping the training secret.

But, in reality, it's a rebel meeting tonight. I'll finally meet Evan's team – and my team, for as long as I'm at home – and I'm not really sure if I'm nervous or exited. Team District 4, also called Team Seaweed, because Seaweed is Evan's codename, is a big team, and I know a few rebels already, but I don't think I know even half of the team.

I wondered once why Evan is leader – there are many older and more experienced rebels that could have took the place, and Evan's only sixteen. He laughed, and said,

"Caro's the boss. As long as she likes you and trusts you, you get whatever position you want."

I laughed at that too – Caro has a lot of power, I've realized. That's great, because I'm on her good side, and therefore I'm not someone to mess with.

Riccy and I move silently through the house, and out of the backdoor, carefully closing it behind us. I drag him into the shadows under a tree, where Evan's waiting.

The boys nod at each other, but we don't break the silence as we slip through a gate in the fence around our backyard. The dark conceals us as we continue down through the town to the boat that'll take us over to the island.

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