Chapter 1 x

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A/N: First fanfic and excited to write. :) Boyxboy if ya don't like, don't get your knickers in a twist just don't read. *They're not famous* kay? k.

Harry POV

''Come on mum..I don't want to!'' I whined as I followed his mother down the stairs. ''But Louis and Niall are going. Wouldn't that be fun?'' Mum had managed to pack up two weeks worth of clothes in my suitcase while I played video games. ''I can't leave my babies!'' I said earning a raised eyebrow from my mum. ''Yep. you're going and that's final.'' UGH. The whole class is going even Liam and Zayn..

''God. Okay!'' I groaned as I marched up the stairs. How she managed to fill out the paper work and set everything up is beyond me. I decided to give Niall a ring and let him know I was actually going. ''Hiya Mate!'' he said cheerfully. Man, he's always so giddy. ''Hey, mate. guess what? I'm going on the trip.''

''YAY! That's great!'' ''No it's not.'' ''Why?'' I rolled my eyes. ''There are rumours that Liam and Zayn are actually going to go.'' ''..oh man. -WHAT? NO? I DIDN'T- mate I gotta call ya back.'' Then the line went dead. Great. Super. Fantastic.

As you can probally tell from my 'sarcasm' I'm not friends with Liam and Zayn. The opposite really. They have been bullying me since I was in year 12, and it's only got worse. But their take on bullying isn't the traditonal throwing you into the trashcan. It's more of a bone-chilling sexual bullying. Not groping me, -all the time- but just creeping me out. I used to think they were gay, but that couildnt' be true; they're the biggest players in the whole school. And there is no way that I'll even share a room with them. Right?


''Yo' Curly!'' I turned around to see Louis running up to me with a goofy cheeky grin plastered on his lips. Other than Niall, he's my best mate. ''Hey, Boo!'' I said as Lou wrapped his arms around my neck. ''Eugh, flaming fags.'' Liam spat as he walked by. ''I know right?'' Zayn snickered. I turned around in defeat, just as I did Louis went up to Zayn and tapped him on the shoulder. Boy's got nerve. ''Why the hell are you touching me, girly?'' Zayn said coldly. Liam then turned around glaring at me and Louis at the same time. ''If anyone is homosexual, it's you two..'' Louis faltered and seemed to regret what he said.

Liam look at Zayn and an amusing smile tugged at their lips. Zayn walked over to me and snaked an arm around my waist, not before brushing against my bum causing me to blush madly. He sniggered, then turned over to Louis and said,'' Isn't your friend over here gay?'' I gulped. Only Niall and Louis knew. Was I that obvious? ''What?'' Louis squeaked. ''You know what me means, does he like it in the ass?'' said Liam as he went and slung his arms over Louis shoulders. ''Well, no...he..doesn't.'' Louis whispered. ''Oh we'll see.."Zayn said as he squeezed my bum and walked away with Liam. I froze. What the hell did that mean? Then, Louis gave me a reassuring hug. ''They don't know, Hazza, they're just messing with you.'' I nodded and we walked to Niall who was waiting for us with breakfast and a confused look.

''What just happened over there?'' Niall asked as he scoffed down an morning sandwich. Louis took a sandwich and  explained everything. While he was doing that, I grabbed one and looked in the direction that Liam and Zayn were standing. To my suprise, they were talking and looking at me. I looked at the ground but not before I saw Liam bite his bottom lip and Zayn lick his and check me out. What were they up to? I why was I part of it?

Kay GUISE. 1st Chapter. I've been reading fanfics for about 4 months, so why not write one! Feedback pleases gorgeous people. fan, comment, vote, and tell others.

Cat. :) x

...You've got to be kidding me? (Lirry/Zarry/Ziam/Nouis boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now