chapter 15 x

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Liam's POV

Tears threatened to fall as I pull on my hair. Currently, I am pacing on the back stairwell; trying not to lose my mind. There is no way I should be this strongly attracted to Louis if I just started dating Harry this morning. And plus, Niall IS Lou's boyfriend and my best mate.

I hear the stairwell door open, and I see Lauren and Jasmine come through the door.

I smile at them, we used to be in theatre class. Lauren dated Niall freshman year. She has piercing green eyes, a curvy figure, curly brown hair and a brillant smile. Jasmine was tall and perfectly built, with soft brown eyes, and loose curls. Jasmine dated Niall sophmore year which had sparked some conflict between the two girls but was so resolved with Niall coming out as gay.

These girls and I were pretty close in the past. I realize that I've been spending so much time with the lads that I haven't even been socializing with others. ...when is the last time I called mum?

The girls turn towards me and smile brightly in surprise, but then frown as they take in my state.

"Hello leeeeeeeyumm what's wrong with you?" Jasmine pouts as I stop pacing.

"Just have a full head. How have you gals been?" I throw them a genuine smile.

"We're fine, Li. We were just heading to meet up with Cat and the cinema. Wanna join us? To clear your head?" Lauren offers up.

Hmm..well I do need to clear my head..and it will give me some space from the lads and time to catch up with the girls, and oh Cat!

Cat was my best friend since preschool and we dated for 3 years untill she broke up with me for an ''Alex" lad and I realized she was great but I was gay and all. Vaginas are grosssssss. haha yeah, but it'll be good to catch up again.

"Sure girls!" They smile at me and we turn to walk down the stairs, me grabbing my things off the step first.

Harry's POV

I yawned and cracked my knuckles as we waited for Liam to show up. Right now, Zayn, Louis, Niall and I are sitting in my room and Li was suppose to be here and we were going to discuss tomorrow.

We are all packed, and our plans are set. We just wanted to do one more meeting to make sure we were positive. Ugh it 15:33, Liam was suppose to be here half an hour ago.

I move the curtain or the window, looking down at the pedestrians walk when I see Liam holding hands with Cat and has his tongue stuck out as them, jasmine and lauren are taking photos of themselves on Cat's phone, movie popcorn going everywhere.

I throw the curtain closed, and my breathing and heart rate have accelerated. To say I am fuming is an understatement.

Not only did this git show up strolling a half an hour late on his way to a scheduled meeting, but he's hanging out with his theater friends and ex.

I know Cat and Li have been best friends since preschool, but that doesn't change the fact they dated for 3 consecutive years and shared deep feelings for each other. I just don't like the semi short, built, brown eyed native american sweetheart.

"Ay mate what's got your panties in a bunch?" Niall inquires. I just realized that the three of them are staring up at me with expressions of curiosity.

"Liam is outside with some of his girl pals."

The lads give me a confused look and come to peer over my shoulder out of the window. Simultaneously, they all give an Ahh. They all sit down with different expressions on their faces.

Zayn seems to be thinking Ni has the same expression as mine on his face his lips are pulled into a tight, impassive line. Louis looks disinterested and that's what puzzles me.

Louis' POV

I sat with niall on the bed, playing with my fingers and trying to not seem to care about liam out with his friends. I pasted a fake, disinterested look on my face and prayed that he would come up and let us come to a conclusion.

To be completely honest, i've been struggling with the fact that I enjoyed the quick snog that Li and I shared. But then I realized something bone chilling:

I have fantasized at least twice about all of the lads in a relationship with me. I can like four people simultaneously.. isn't that wrong?

All of our heads turn towards the door and Li pokes his head in. He sees us staring up at him, and gracifully swings his hips from behind the door and sits next to Zayn. I fight back the urge to scoff and roll my eyes.

"Sorry I was late, lads." Liam starts, "I decided to get out for a bit and hang out with some old friends." Liam gives us all a broad smile.

"More like old flings.." Harry huffs under his breath, or what he thought was under his breath. In reality we can all hear him. Liam sighs and rubs his hands slowly on his face.

"Haz, can we talk for a moment? In the hall?"

Harry looks reluctant, but nevertheless Harry stood up and followed Liam into the hallway, and I gave him a reassuring smile and he grinned at me.

Harry's POV

I am in a tough position because I really don't want to be out here with Liam right now, but I also want to know what he has to say.

I turn towards Liam who's already holding an intense stare with my lips. His gaze is smothering and pulls at the muscles deep in my stomach. I feel all the anger leave my being as I lean forward and fit right into him and his toned arms snake around my waist, pulling us impossibly close. I look up at him and he looks down at me.

A soon as my eyes flutter close, we hear a loud bang come from inside of the room.

Hastily, we pull apart and charge through the door to find Niall hanging off the bed slightly trying to regain his balance. Zayn and Lou are on the floor, Louis straddling Zayn clawing and reaching for the telly remote. Liam and I turn towards each other, and suddenly burst in to laughter.

"What's going on here?"

"We are trying to watch a film but you know.. Bskdbkdnsb!"

Niall trails off as he finally topples to the floor off of the side of the hotel bed. Everyone cracks us as I go and pick up niall, placing in on my lap as we sit on the bed. As I wrap my arms around Ni's waist, Louis sits on Liam and Zayn puts his head in Lou's lap and lays his body across Niall.

We settle down and start to watch Love Actually and I sigh contently.

This is relaxing, I need this. We need this.

But I can't help but think back to the thing Ed mentioned to me.

"Why don't you all just be in a relationship shared between all five of you guys?"


You can totally hate me for going MIA loves. It's s'okay.


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