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Mika's POV

As soon as agent Vic left us Jerome faced me

Jerome : " where did you get that so called security of yours? "

Mika : " they were recommended"

Jerome : " who's the dumbass that recommended them? "

Mika : " a friend so can you just let it go already "

I say getting irritated with his attitude.

Jerome : " you have to fire them "

Mika : " fire them? Why would I do that?! "

Jerome : " didn't you see what she just did to me?!

Mika : " you kind of deserved it "

I say with a smirk.

Jerome : " ugh why are you defending her I'm your boyfriend not her "

He says out of frustration

Mika : " first of all Jerome you're not my boyfriend, okay? Second so far I like her- I mean I like how she does her job so just let it go "

Jerome : " Mika I've been courting you for months now. Bakit ba ayaw mo ako sagutin? "

Mika : " Je we've talked about this before. I don't like you like that and I'm not ready for a relationship right now. "

Jerome " I'll wait for you to be ready "

Aish! this guy just don't get it!

Mika : " anyways why are you here? "

I walk back to my chair and took a sit while he sat down on the chair in front of my desk

Jerome : " just wanted to see you."

I roll my eyes at him

Mika : " really Jerome? "

I say knowing that he only comes here when he needs something

Jerome : " okay. I'm here to actually invite you to dinner this coming Saturday my parents will be there "

Mika : " I can't, Jerome I'm sorry "

Jerome : " come on Mika at least try "

Mika : " Je- "

Jerome : " please "

I look at him and he's really pleading for me to come. He may not be the best guy I know but he is a friend so...

Mika : " I'll have to check my schedule first "

Jerome : " thank you! "

Mika : " I didn't say yes Je I told you I'll try "

Jerome : " you trying is enough"

I gave him a smile

Mika : " look Je as much as I want to talk to you more I actually have some work to do "

Jerome : " of course, I understand. Thank you for still seeing me next time I'll make an appointment "

He stood up from his chair.

Mika : " I'll walk you out "

I say as I stood up from my chair as well.

We walked side by side out of my office as soon as I step out of my office agent Vic and agent Kim followed me.

When we reached the main door we faced each other and hugged.

Jerome : " bye Miks I'll see you soon I hope "

He whispers to me as we are still hugging

We pulled away from our hug

Mika : " no promises, Je "

I say with a little laugh.

Vic's POV

Barf. Ew. Yuck.

I'm looking at ma'am Mika and Mr. Ponce hugging.

Suddenly I feel Kim elbowed me making me look at her confused

Vic : " what? "

I ask irritably

I watch Mr. Ponce very carefully making sure that his hands does not land on any of ma'am Mika's body parts inappropriately.

Good thing he knows better than to do that.

The main door opened and Mr. Ponce exited the building

I put my mic close to my mouth before speaking

Vic : " this is Alpha, Mr. Ponce is on his way out make sure that all of his men leaves with out leaving anything behind "

Carol : " copy, Alpha "

She answers through our earpiece.

Ma'am Mika walked back to her office making us follow her. As she enters her office we were left outside her door.

I turn to Kim.

Vic : " what did you want to say earlier? "

Kim : " you were glaring holes at Mr. Ponce earlier "

Vic : " I was not "

I try to deny

Kim : " yes you were "

She says with a smirk.

Vic : " Kim I was not, okay? I was just- uhm nothing "

I say trying to explain why but I feel like I failed to explain because even I don't know why I was glaring at him.

Kim : " whatever you say Vic "

She say in a teasingly matter.

I playfully hit her arm.

You gotta stay focus Vic. Don't let anything distract you from your job.

I say to myself.


Another short update! This is the new me updates are only a few days apart 😊

I hope you liked it!

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