Mika's POVI was staring into nothing my hands are shaking on my lap
I can't believe what just happened.
" ma'am? "
I face agent Vic who's seating beside me
Vic : " ma'am are you okay? Are you hurt? "
She ask worriedly- that's new she usually has this poker face on
Mika : " I- uhm no "
She faces the front again and sat properly leaving a huge space between us.
Mika : " san tayo pupunta? "
Vic : " we're taking you home ma'am "
Mika : " I need to call my mom "
I suddenly remember
Mika : " but I left my phone there "
Without looking at me she took her phone out, unlocked it and then handed it to me
Vic : " here use mine "
I hesitantly took it and quickly dialed my mom's number
Mika : " hello ma "
Mika's mom : " hello nak bakit ibang number gamit mo? "
Mika : " naiwan ko yung phone ko. Ma wag muna kayo lalabas ng bahay ha wag mo na lang din muna papasukin sila Miko bukas "
Mika's mom : " bakit? Mika is everything alright? Are you okay? "
She asked worry is very evident in her voice
Mika : " opo ma I'm okay pero I just need to make sure na safe kayo so please stay indoor I'll explain everything soon"
Mika's mom : " okay if you say so. Tawagan mo ulit ako as soon as you can "
Mika : " opo ma I love you all "
Mika's mom : " we love you too mag ingat ka please "
After that I hang up hanging the phone back to agent Vic
Mika : " thank you "
She just simply nodded not even turning to me as she takes her phone back.
That's something I noticed with all of them but especially with agent Vic they don't say much and as much as they can they only respond with a nod while keeping an emotionless face.
" ehem "
I was pulled out of my thoughts by someone clearing their throat then I realized it was Vic and I was staring at her. I quickly turn my head to look outside the window somewhat blushing at the thought of her catching me staring at her.
Vic's POV
The car stopped right in front of ma'am Mika's door steps.
I quickly made my way out and held the door open for her offering my hand as she steps out she took my hand and said a quick 'thank you'
Instead of walking towards the door of her home she stood there and faced me.
Mika : " what now? "
I look at her confused. 'What does she mean 'what now'?'
Mika : " what do we do now? "
Vic : " You, ma'am Mika stay here and rest while we go to the office to report what happened and we'll handle whatever it is. Team Bravo will stay here at your home to make sure nothing happens to you "
Mika : " can I come with you I really want to know what's going on "
Vic : " ma'am you'll be safer in your home I'll update you tomorrow morning if you want "
Mika : " won't I be safer if I'm with you "
Vic : " I-uhm I trust my team that they can make sure that you're safe here, ma'am "
I said a bit confused and caught off guard
Mika : " okay but report to me as soon as you know what is going on"
Vic : " of course ma'am "
I was about to turn around and get back in the car when I felt a hand grip my wrist making me stop and face her
Mika : " tha-thank you agent Vic uhm for saving me "
Vic : " I'm just doing my job ma'am your safety is my- rather our number one priority no need to thank us "
Mika : " I know but still thank you "
She said genuinely with a slight smile
Vic : " then you're welcome ma'am "
She let's go of my wrist and for some reason the lose of contact made me sad but I ignored it
Vic : " good night ma'am Mika my team will be right outside your door steps if you need them "
She nodded
Mika : " thank you again and good night as well and uhm- be careful"
I nodded in respond before watching her get inside her house once I heared the front door lock I turned around as well and went into the waiting car.
Vic : " headquarters tayo Kim "
She nodded and drove off to our headquarter...
I hope you like this chapter!
The next few chapters are done already I just wait for the previous chapter to reach 10 votes before publishing 😅
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Must Protect (Mika Reyes & Ara Galang)
FanficA strory between Mika Aereen Reyes the Vice President of the republic of the Philippines and Victonara Galang the new head of her protection detail keeping their relationship professional is critical but what if they start to fall for each other? It...