Chapter 6: Flooding

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We didn't end up leaving the next morning. There was a storm that moved in from the west end, flooding everything. Everybody in the hotel was moved up to the upper level, Gage wasn't happy to be be for lack of a better term inprisoned inside a hotel room. This hotel room was identical to our last one, except it was a bit bigger and had a shower in the bathroom instead of a dirty bathtub. Gage was sitting on the bed, playing with his phone a clear look of unhappiness on his face. I looked out of the window, the parking lot looked like a river, cars were getting soaked as we sat here and did nothing. If it was up to Gage we would be driving through that, but the hotel owner wasn't having it. If Gage opened the door than all the water would come into the lobby and he wasn't about to get his establishment ruined. I looked back at Gage and shrunk to the floor against the wall, pulling my notebook out I started to look through it.

At this point it was my only form of entertainment, and even though there was no internet connection I was more than happy to play another game of solitare. The cable was still down, and I wasn't about to sit here and watch Gage be a brooding little boy. Gage cleared his throat a few moments later, and I looked up at him. He wasn't trying to get my attention, he was still looking down at his phone. I shook my head and gave him a look, which he quickly ignored or just didn't see.

"Are you seriously going to be all moody the whole day? Seriously, where are we going to go?"

Gage rolled his eyes as he got off the bed, he walked over to his bag that was next to the TV stand. He placed his phone into the bag and then looked at me. "I'm not upset."

I shut my notebook, getting to my feet I headed over to the bed, sitting down. Gage grinned at me as I rolled my eyes at him. He walked towards me, placing his hands on either side of my hips, supporting his weight on the bed. I felt my heart beat pick up, his face was a few centemetres from mine, he grinned. "You are way to observant for you're own good." He said in a joking tone.

"Oh, you think so?" I said, my voice raspy.

I took a deep breath, trying not to breath in his face. I hadn't brushed my teeth in a day and I was pretty sure my breath didn't smell the greatest. He grinned his teeth white as a ghost, my insides melted. He shifted closer to me, making me shift backwards on the bed in response. After all the time we had spent together, Gage had never been this close to me; the only time he had ever been this close was my in my dreams. He gave me a look that sent my stomach into a little flip-flop.

Gage's lightly sun kissed arms were formed beautifully, as he was supporting himself I could see every muscle in his arm. I looked at him, the violet in his eyes swirling around, looking like the clouds in the sky, on a stormy day. I shifted back a little more and his hand touched my hip lightly, sending a shiver through my body.

"Do I make you nervous?" He asked, his voice low. His eyes looking into mine, making it seem like we were the only two people in the world at this point. I fought to keep myself from kissing him, because at this moment that's all I wanted to do. He slowly moved back, and I pouted not realizing it until he cracked a grin and stepped a little closer to me once again.

I looked at him. "Yes,"

"Hmm," He purred, his face so close the tip of his nose touching mine.

I closed my eyes, my breathing coming in a little ragged. "Why are you doing this?"

After everything he was finally trying to touch me, kiss me? He had never made an effort before, to kiss me at the least. This was different, the way he was looking at me, touching me. Was he trying to get a point across? I didn't know, but at this point did I really care? I opened my eyes and looked at him, he was watching my face with a look that I hadn't seen on his face for most of the time I had been with him. His joking expression had changed, into something warm and sweet.

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