The admirer part 3

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While driving to the house Spencer had made a turn and you had stopped crying by now. He looked at you while at a red light.

You looked at him and leaned up and flattened out your skirt. He pulled into the parking lot of his house and got out of the car and came to your side, opening the door,you get out and grab his hand and head to the front door with him.

His hands start to hitter through his red sweater he's wearing. You wonder why they're jittering. He swallows and gets the key into the hole and opens the door. To see his house shredded.

You look around nervously,rubbing Spencer's arm up and down.

Spencer:"Stay here" he whispered.

You look at him crazy and follow him, touching his shoulder.

Spencer:"your so hardheaded you know that?!?"

Y/n:"Not a problem!,but this will not be the scene where you get beat and stabbed and I'm outside not hearing you guys fighting"

Spencer;"for your there's only 50% of people who die from hemorrhage's when fighting so technically,I wouldn't be the one getting beat up,don't forget we work for the FBI ,and I know a bunch of tricks up my sleeve"

You smirk and then an arm grabs you and Spencer turns around to a man dressed in black holding y/n.

You start to cry and Spencer gets nervous.

Spencer:"your not gonna get away,so you need to put the knife down"

???:"what will happen if I don't punk!"

He hold the knife up closer to y/n's neck.

Spencer:"how about you just let her go and just take me instead of her?"

Spencer held his hands up and then grabbed you as the man let you go. Spencer kissed you and then headed over to the man with a sad face.

You turned your head and then you heard a gunshot. Afraid to turn around,you started to cry. While you cried someone grabbed you behind the back and then you felt the person slide down quickly,

you turned and it was Spencer he had fell down on the floor. You dropped down on your knees to help his stop the bleeding that was flowing from his right knee.

You called the team and they came out quickly in all black suvs. You smiled but still afraid that Spencer wouldn't make it. The ambulance came and took Spencer's helpless body off to the hospital on a stretcher.

// in the suv with prentiss and jj//

Jj:'you ok y/n?"

Y/n:"no!!, someone who's in love with me just almost got killed,why is everyone asking me this??!?"

Morgan:"its ok L/n! Well help you get through this just be patient"


Prentiss:"yeah,well be in the waiting room a while so don't get your hopes so high!"

Jj:"yeah those doctors are pretty picky when it come to a man like Spencer"

Y/n:"yeah,I'd better not see butts and boobs all in his face either,understood?:

Jj and prentiss say:yeah,in unison.

Y/n:"thanks guys!'

//At the hospital//

You walked up to the front desk and asked to see your friend.

Y/n:"could i see Spencer Reid please,I'm his friend?"

Nurse:"he's in the emergency room for now, please wait in the lobby"

You walk over to the couch and sat down in the television area to try and relax, but nothing could relax you at the moment,you knew your friend was hurt and knew why he was hurt,let alone falling in love with someone the same week was harsh.

//anchor later//

The doctor comes out,she call looks over.



Doctor:"you could see Spencer now,but you'll have to try and be very quiet he's resting.

Y/n:"okay,ill try to be quiet as a mouse"

She smiled and went to room 202 and shut the door.
You walked to room 205 and saw Spencer laying down. He looked so peaceful and eccentric. You didn't want to wake him. But in a few minutes,he started to move,and seen your face.

You smiled at him from across the room.

Reid:"hey,i cant really see you but,hi beautiful!"

Y/n:"your blind to beauty i see"

You giggled and kissed Spencer's cheek.

Y/n:"get some rest,you need for the rest of the week,i love you"

Reid:"i love you too"

You gave him Eskimo kisses and he fell right back to sleep. You climbed on the bed and took your coat off and got underneath the covers,and cuddled with Spencer and fell asleep also...

The doctor knocked on the door and cracked it open to see both of you cuddled and sleeping together,he smiled and laughed and headed out of the room.

//To Be continued//

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