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This label has been all I've ever known.
I have no other name. No past. No family.
Just KA-7051.

I've come to hate that label.

For as long as I can remember, I have been told three simple rules.

1) Always follow orders.

2) Always keep your helmet on.

3) Unless you want to die, never get in the way of one of Master Kylo Ren's tantrums.

So that's how I survived. Those three simple rules are how I survived growing up a Stormtrooper.

Wake up, get dressed, do your duties, sleep, repeat.

An endless cycle, so perfect and balanced and just what I liked.

But no perfect cycle could last forever. Sooner or later, the cycle, the perfect way of life, gets obstructed by an obstacle; and either that cycle learns how to adapt to this new obstacle...or it dies.


"All units to cafeteria, all units to cafeteria."

Many groans floated through the air as our daily alarm went off.
"Space balls, I swear one day I'm going to shoot that thing and put an end to this daily torture." Moaned KA-2629. I smiled fleetingly at her before rubbing the sleep from my eyes.

Yawning, I stretched my arms high above my head as the other members of the KA unit began to awaken.
Across from me, KA-4356 was viciously brushing his hair with his fingers. I personally couldn't see why he would bother with such a meaningless task. After all, we spend all day with our heads hidden by helmets anyway.

Perhaps it was to keep him feeling humane. I mused, slipping on my boots and strapping on my chest plate. I ran my fingers through my messy dirty blonde hair a few times before tying it up in a bun and shoving my helmet on.

Here, the only way to survive is to blend in completely. That's why I never tried to be the best, to get that promotion, or try to suck up to the dreaded commanders.

Stay in the background, stay alive. I said to myself every morning.
Slipping my blaster from my belt, I left the dorm first in order to grab a quick bite to eat before it was all gone, taken by the other hungrier members.

As I hurried down the hall way in a light jog, clutching my blaster to my chest, I couldn't help but feel annoyed by the helmet today. It suddenly felt too stuffy, and my nose twitched uncomfortably as I cracked my neck side to side. I grimaced as it suddenly felt like my skin was too tight for something within me.

The cafeteria wasn't far from the dorm, and I knew as soon as I entered I would be permitted to remove my helmet. Picking up the pace, I was soon running towards the doors, eager to remove my helmet.

Just as the doors slid open with the familiar whoosh however, I halted so quickly I nearly toppled forward.

My grip on the blaster tightened as I watched in mute horror as an all black figure destroyed the cafeteria.

The food. I mentally whimpered.

My feet were frozen in place, unable to flee as the infamous Kylo Ren slashed through the table I usually sat at with his glowing red...stick.

Lightsaber. I corrected myself, chewing my lip raw as I frantically thought of what to do. I had never seen him this close, or this...angry. Usually, we'd hear his shouts of rage from down the hall and just turn the other way. But now, I was alone, watching as the screaming monster stabbed the drink dispenser.

Red sparks exploded with a loud pop and I flinched. Do I run? Do I get Captain Phasma? Perhaps there's a panic bottom somewhere here for a situation like this...

"GET OUT!" Kylo suddenly roared. I yelped, jumping before spinning on my heel to flee.

I didn't get two steps however, before an invisible hand grabbed my neck.

It was an experience that I had never felt before, and never wanted to feel again. The strong, unyielding grip of the force hosted me into the air by my neck before throwing me to the side.

With a scream, I crashed into the food portions dispensing machine. Pieces flew everywhere as I covered my head with my arms. Sparks and the fumes of released gas quickly filtered through my helmet and I chocked.

"GET OUT!" Kylo screamed again, twirling his saber in a vicious circle. Scrambling to my feet, I had just enough time to register the fact that the rest of my unit had finally arrived before I was tossed in the air again.

I fell back to the floor with a thud, wincing in pain. I had never been in the battlefield before, just training. So I had never experienced a situation like this. I doubt few have. I thought as I pushed myself up on my elbows, grimacing.

Kylo was standing in the middle of his destruction, his chest heaving as he clutched his lightsaber like Death holds his scythe.

"LEAVE!" He barked, ignoring the stares of horror from the rest of the unit.

Suddenly, I don't know where this courage came from, but I sat up on my knees and threw my shoulders back, tilting up my chin to meet his gaze. "I would if you would stop attacking me!" I snapped loudly, clenching my fists.

Silence fell like a stone, and my eyes widened in horror as I realized what I had just done.

I broken rule number five: never yell at Kylo Ren.

"Shit." Was all I had time to say before I was lifted in the air again. This time, Kylo's arm was extended and the pressure was greater. I clawed weakly at my throat, gasping and choking as he strangled me.

"Wait! Stop!" Cried a sudden voice. What happened soon after, happened so fast that not even I could track it.

KA-2629 had lunged forward, breaking rank. Kylo released me and swung to her instead, sending a piece of debris hurtling towards her.

Something inside me snapped, my ears popped, and a warmth flooded through all parts of my body as I instinctively threw out my arm, crying out a warning.

The hunk of metal froze in midair, inches from a cowering KA-2629.
A strong internal wind was whirling inside me, pulling at my very mind as the world around me adopted similar features. Suddenly, I could feel everything. I could feel the shock and surprise of my fellow stormtroopers, the terror of KA-2629, and then, the fury and confusion of Kylo Ren.

Slowly, his helmet turned in my direction, and a piercing pain ripped through my mind. I sucked in a sharp breath of pain before I arched my back, releasing my hold on the metal.

Everything was rapidly fading to darkness, and distant shouts could be heard from a very, very long way away.

Before I lost all consciousness however, a deep voice echoed through the depths of my mind.

"Who are you?"

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