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"Who are you?"

"Who are you?"

"Who are you?"

A distant scream ripped through the millions of echoing voices. High pitched and female, it sounded like the victim was in pain.
They were hurt! I needed to help them!
Needed to help them...
"Wake up." A cold voice commanded.

I sat up with a gasp, clutching my chest as my heart pumped frantically against my ribs.

My head pounded  as I gripped my helmet, searching frantically for the release button.
Just as my thumbs found it however, I sensed another presence in the room.

My fingers froze, then slowly drifted back down to grip my forearms as I tilted my head the smallest bit to the side.

I was in a prisoners cell, which instantly made my pulse quicken. Prisoners died down here, not only died, but tortured in the most painfullest ways possible.

But why was I down here? I tried to remember all that had happened in the past few hours, but came up blank. I chewed my lip as I looked around.

I was in the corner, huddled into a ball while a tall foreboding figure stood opposite me, towering above me like Death.

Every muscle in me froze, and I waited with batted breath for him to speak.

His infamous helmet stared down at me, and I diverted my gaze to look at his belt instead. My eyes landed on hilt of his lightsaber, and my fingers tightened around my arms.

"You must have questions."

I jumped when he spoke, unprepared for the deepness of the robotic voice.
I held my breath as he slowly crouched down in front of me, tilting his head to the side. "But I have some of my own." He said.

I gulped and my chin began to quiver.

"I-I-I'm sorry." I whispered, curling further into my ball. Kylo Ren continued to stare at me, and I looked down at the floor.

"Tell me, what are you sorry for?" Underneath the robotic voice over, it almost sounded like he was purring.

My stomach clenched tightly. "I-I..." my voice trailed off as I looked around me. "I'm not-I'm not sure, exactly." I frowned beneath my helmet, wondering once again why I was here.

"W-what did I do wrong?" I risked a glance at Kylo to see him still watching me skeptically.

"Why don't you tell me," He suddenly reached out a hand and before I could stop him, I felt an invisible force creep into my mind.

I stiffened, then slid down the wall as discomfort grew. He was searching for something, and even though he physically didn't show it, I could feel his eagerness and yearn to find it. He felt like a hungry man searching for food in the wild, starving but with all his senses still intact. He knew what he wanted and wouldn't stop until he found it.

I whimpered, twisting slightly as he continued his mental probe. "Please," I moaned. "Stop!" I begged, reaching out a hand.

He simply grabbed onto my wrist and forced it to the ground, holding me still as he pushed harder. "I know what you are, solider. I can sense it." He hissed. His voice dropped back to his robotic purr though, when I squeaked in fright.

"So much untapped power, so much..." He whispered, moving his hand at different angles, like it somehow changed his perspective.
I groaned, tossing my head side to side. " have the force." Kylo whispered. "So much power, and so raw."

"Please!" I cried as I started to feel the invisible probe creep towards my heart.

Kylo suddenly pulled away, leaving me limp and gasping on the floor.

Without hesitating, my hands flew to my head and wrecked off the helmet, flinging it to the floor as I gasped for fresh air.
The cool air of the cell pressed against my sweaty face, and I closed my eyes as I slowly sank to the floor.

If my brain had been pounding before, it was pulsating with pain now. I pushed it aside however, in order to look back up at Kylo.

His gaze was fixated on me, on my face to be more specific.
My hair hung limp around my vision, and sweat was beaded onto my skin; so I can't imagine why he looked to intently at me.

I swallowed thickly before wetting my lips. "Why am I here?" I breathed, still panting for breath.
Kylo Ren rose to his feet, still fixated on me.
His fists clenched, and my stomach did the same.

"Why am I here?" I repeated.
Kylo Ren turned to the door, and I was afraid he'd leave without answering my question.

"You are now under my power. Everything you do from now on will be under my rule. You are no longer stormtrooper KA-7051, you are now my apprentice." Then with that, he left.

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